We also share the deep concerns of our community about the current treatment of migrants and asylum seekers, especially minors, at the U.S. Mexico border, and deplore the use of family separation as a tool of immigration policy aimed at deterring people seeking safety. Fax:601.992.1347, NORTHWEST RANKIN HIGH SCHOOL Middle School | Northwest Christian School Grades 4-12: A student has failed two (2) grades; 3. For safety reasons, students may not wear large earrings or other jewelry when they have gym. Upon enrollment in a credit recovery course, a determination of the students strengths and weaknesses in regard to the course content can be made. . At any stage of the proceeding the alleged victim or aggrieved party may be represented by an attorney of his/her own choosing and expense. The Board recognizes the educational values inherent in a broad, varied, and well-directed student activities program. Providing other reasonable support for parental engagement activities under section 1116 as parents may request. If the stolen device is not reported within three calendar days to a district school administrator, the employee or parent/guardian will be responsible for full replacement cost. Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in North Carolina and the 50th largest of more than 14,000 in the United States, serves more than 70,000 PK-12 students at 126 schools. There will be no exclusionary discipline for Level 1 dress code violations. The Board recognizes that regular attendance is important if students are to attain maximum benefit from the educational process and develop good work habits that carry over into their adult life. 4. carrying any weapon or any instrument which could be used as a weapon on school grounds or at school functions. Any or all of the following circumstances shall constitute grounds for reasonable suspicion of intoxication (excitement of stupefaction by alcohol or a drug to the point where physical and mental control is markedly diminished): 1. February 24, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. / 24 de febrero de 2023 a las 1:00 P.M. PAC Meeting Friday, February 24, 2023 - 2:00-3:00/ Reunin del PAC 24 de febrero 2023, Follow the link below to access our school spirit store and purchase items. Is administered by a professional testing laboratory employed by the District. Reaching Beyond Excellence to Extraordinary with Heart, Courage and Commitment! Balanced against this right is the school officials desire to create and maintain a safe and drug free environment consistent with the educational mission of the school. If your child is sent home with red eye(s) or discharge, your child may return to school 24 hours after treatment is started or when there is no drainage from the eye(s). Rankin County School District will identify a Homeless Education Liaison toassist students. Upon completion of the credit recovery course, a grade of 60 will be recorded on the credit history, thereby becoming part of the grade point average. Northwest Middle School. The Rankin County School District believes accountability is a powerful tool to help students avoid using drugs and that early detection and intervention can save lives. Each teacher, principal or employee of the school shall cooperate fully with such investigation and the superintendent or his/her designee and failure to do so shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Northwest Middle School is a diverse community of learners, and is committed to providing outstanding support to all students. The scheduling of competition in extracurricular activities (band, speech, debate, choral groups, drama, etc.) A written code, enforced fairly, ensures that we are treated equally . Should schools not be closed when severe weather or emergency conditions exist, the judgment of parents, regarding their children's exposure, will be respected. Any Activity Student selected at random must give a urine specimen or other reasonable, customary and necessary specimens for testing as determined by the testing laboratory or school. The student will not be allowed to return to school until he/she has been to the Rankin County Health Department and has no nits. Sellwood Middle School. Dress Code- GCS Dress Code Policy. b. Exceptions and Respect for Religious and Cultural Attire. Operate a program of contraceptive distribution in schools. If counseling session(s) are refused at any time the student shall be recommended for immediate placement in the Alternative School for two (2) nine weeks. The decision to expel a student shall rest with the Board, based on the recommendation of the Superintendent and Principal and the evidence presented at a hearing before the Board or appropriate Hearing Officer, as may be appointed by the Board. FAX: 410-751-3275. 3. Shorts may be worn by students in grades K-4 as long as such does not constitute, in the sole discretion of the principal, a possible disruption to the educational process is uninterrupted. At the end of the 28-calendar-day period, the Voluntary Student will be tested on the last day of the 28-day period. drugs, alcohol, cigarettes) which would tend to be considered as harmful or dangerous or as may disrupt the educational function or process of the school if such were known to the general population of the school or public or which are prohibited by school board policies or local rules or by law or common sense. District administrative staff shall appropriate funds for purchase of and supplemental materials for classroom use. The IEP Committee will reconvene at the end of the 45 days to review and recommend the appropriate placement. The schools will keep supplies needed for meeting these infection control guidelines reasonably accessible to employees. Changes of schedule will occur only under the following circumstances: 1. It is the intent and desire of the Rankin County Board of Education that equal educational opportunities be provided in any and all educational programs and activities. In selecting the salutatorian, if the second highest grade point average after the valedictorians average is determined is the same or is a difference of less than .03, then co-salutatorians will be named. Admission or enrollment may be denied for up to one calendar year after the date of the expulsion to any student who has been expelled or is party to an expulsion proceeding for an act involving violence or the threat of violence, weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, or other activity that may result in expulsion. 3. Students in grades 9-12 should document 50 plus hours of volunteer service each year. Records of students who have served eighteen weeks will be reviewed relative to progress made toward meeting the specifications in his individual student contract. If a students presence poses a threat of danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, the student may be immediately removed from school. To offer students school activities free of the effects of illegal and performance-enhancing drug use. Students who are infected with chronic and/or infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, shall attend the school and classroom to which they would be assigned if they were not infected. Special permission of the principal (obtained in ADVANCE IN PERSON BY THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN). Prohibits any teaching that abortion can be used to prevent the birth of a baby, and. Grades/credits earned through home schooling and non-accredited schools will not count towards Valedictorian and Salutatorian. Questions or Feedback? Officials of other schools or school systems in which the student seeks or intends to enroll, upon condition that the students parents be notified of the transfer, receive a copy of the record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of a record; 2. Parents of students and eligible students shall have opportunity to a hearing to challenge the content of education records in order to insure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein and to insert into such records a written explanation of the parents and eligible students respecting the content of such records. 4. These activities will be governed by the rules and regulations as outlined in the current handbook of the Mississippi High School Activities Association, Inc. Additionally, these activities will function under the by-laws or such set of rules established by the organization, with the approval of the principal. Illegal Drugs includes, but is not limited to, all scheduled drugs as defined by Miss. The school district will use the findings of the evaluation about its parent and family engagement policy and activities to design strategies for more effective parental engagement, and to revise, if necessary (and with the involvement of parents) its parent and family engagement policies. Written notices of unsatisfactory progress can be sent home whenever necessary to keep parents informed of declining grades. Extra food sales, including milk and water, are to be paid for with cash daily or money may be put onthe students general account to purchase these items. Northwest Local Schools Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds. This protocol is to be in effect for all illegal drugs with the exception of marijuana. In addition, parents will be sent via hard copy or through electronic parent portal an interim progress report as indicated on the school calendar. NO BACKBACKS ALLOWED, NO EXCEPTIONS! 5. Due to safety precautions, no student dismissals will be allowed during the last 30 minutes of the school day. School related absence for official school sponsored activities will not count as an absence. From bus routes to lunch menus, find helpful information here for students and families. Other issues or disputes will be directed to the attention of the school official responsible for that particular matter for prompt resolution. Testing laboratory will select the names of the Voluntary Students at random and will perform the drug testing. Legal Reference: Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards; SB Policy Part 3, Chapter 36. Cualquier camiseta/playera o artculo de ropa usado debajo de la camisa blanca escolar tiene que ser blanca. Every student within the Rankin County School District shall have the right to take reasonable actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or harassing. STUDENT CONTRACT: During the entrance conference at the Alternative Education Center, the Alternative Education Center principal and counselor shall develop a contract WITH the student that specifies the requirements for re-entry into the local school. Si se requiere el uso de una correa/cinto, este debe mantenerse puesto. Si un estudiante llega tarde a la escuela, necesitar entrar por la oficina y recibir un pase a clase. Parents meet with classroom teacher, Title I teachers, and itinerant staff to learn about curriculum, annual objectives, and teacher expectations. The principal making said required report or participating in any judicial proceeding resulting therefrom shall be presumed to be acting in good faith and, as such, shall be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed. The annual fee can be paid online through a link on the districts website. If loan funds are not available, the student WILL be given a well-balanced alternate meal set forth by the district food service office (2oz grilled cheese sandwich, the menu choice of fruits, vegetables and a variety of milk). This week Scholars Speak offers a two-for-one offer on school dress codes from faculty of the Fresno Pacific University School of Education: The principal shall provide a form for this purpose. 6. LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-15-35; 1972 Educational Amendments, Title IX; 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI; 1973 Rehabilitation Act, Section 503 & 504; 45 CFR Part 84 and Part 86; Brown vs. Board of Education, 347 U. S. 483 (1954); Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards. Last Modified on August 31, 2022. Making personal attacks on other people, organizations, religions, or ethnicities. The district curriculum department must approve the use of any online-program other than district-approved programs. When absences do occur, school personnel will classify the absence as excused or unexcused. The non-custodial adult in the home must prove residency through Group I and Group II (above) and provide a notarized affidavit. School Dress Code Debates, Explained - Edweek.org Connect with PPS. 3. participate in all aspects of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System (MSAS). Phone:601.854.8060 In accordance with the Literacy-Based Promotion Act of 2013, each public school student who exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading at any time, as demonstrated through: 1. performance on a reading screener approved or developed by the MDE, or, 2. through locally determined assessments and teacher observations conducted in Kindergarten and Grades 1 through 3, or. This group will be consulted for anticipating the needs of the infected student. 3. Portland Public Schools relaxed its dress code in 2016 after student complaints that the rules . All parties must work together toward the common goal of insuring that students are transported safely and economically to and from school. The parent/guardian consent for medication(s) at school and the physician order for the medication must be kept on file for a period of one full year. (below). 4. Clothing in grades 5-12 shall not be excessively low or loose fitting in front, back, under the arms, or around the waist, so as to reveal the chest, the entire shoulders, the mid back area, or lower body areas. If students arrives late to school, they will need to check in at the front office and get a pass to class. An explanation of student rights and responsibilities. The chairperson of the TST shall be the school principal as the schools instructional leader or the principals designee. 2701 Northwest 18th Street, Fort Worth, TX 76106. RCSD policies outlined in this document cover all available technologies now and in the future, not just those specifically listed or currently available. Summative assessments shall also be used to measure a students progress toward or degree of accomplishment relative to stated goals and objectives (standards) for a subject. (RCSD Policy IEI Exhibit). Please be sure your child is fever-free, without the use of fever reducers, for 24 hours before allowing him/her to return to school. Any behavior by student on campus or off campus constituting a felony or violation of the felony laws of the State of Mississippi. The District Grade Placement Committee will consider all data and notify the school of its recommendations. Dress Code NWLSD Dress Code The following dress code is board approved for all students. Field Trips (JFC) Jeans are acceptable. Each time voluntary student tests positive, the student is to receive counseling sessions. A switchblade knife means a knife containing a blade or blades which open automatically by the release of a spring or similar contrivance. Students may also request transcripts online thru each school's counseling department website (fees apply). While its rules have changed, many schools continue to enforce dress codes that students and their advocates criticize as "outdated" and experts say uphold harmful gender and racial norms. 7th Grade- Red or Gray 8th Grade- Light Blue or Black 2. Exceptions can be made by the principal when extreme circumstances arise. About Us; Contact Information; Map and Directions A hostile environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is inappropriate bullying or harassing behavior. Excused absences by parent note are not to exceed 10 days per year. Principal:Craig Yates The confidentiality officer shall participate in those training programs sponsored by supportive agencies which will increase management competency. First-hand information provided by reliable and credible sources of use, possession or intoxication; 5. 662 (10thDir. The school locker shall remain the property of the RCSD, subject to full discretion of the administration to allow temporary and non-exclusive use thereof by the student(s). The superintendent shall cause a standard parental permission form to be made available for all clubs. First damage occurrence: $50.00 deductible to cover damage. The IEP committee will complete a manifestation determination. MS Code 41-79-21 states that any student in any public elementary or secondary school having head lice on more than three occurrences during the school year must be reported to the county health department for help treating lice. 1st damage, 2nd damage) AND by incident type (i.e. Considering the continuous growth of English learners (ELs), and the population change, the Rankin County School District will employ English language teachers/instructors to assist in the instruction of the ELs whole education, both in language and academic content. Any data stored on district-owned equipment may be archived and preserved by the district for an indefinite period. Uniform Policy / Home - Meridian Public School District Phone:601.939.4375 Principals or designee shall attempt to notify parents of misconduct of their child on school buses who shall cooperate with school officials in correcting the behavior problem(s) of the student, if the student wishes to continue to be provided transportation services. For purposes of this policy, educational property shall include any public school building, bus, public school campus, grounds, recreational area or athletic field in the charge of the principal or other premises and/or buildings being occupied or used by Rankin County School District for school related purposes and/or extra-curricular activities on-campus or off-campus or ceremonies associated with Rankin County School District. Upon successful demonstration of mastery of these objectives, the student will receive credit for the course. Issues contained in the students individual contract will be addressed in the effort to work toward transitioning the student back to the local school. The district may first remove the student for up to ten (10) consecutive school days while convening the IEP committee to determine the students interim alternative setting. Do not remove the district provided case. In no case shall the inability to pay the assessment of fees authorized under the provisions of this Fee Policy result in a pupil being denied or deprived of any academic awards or standards, any class selection, grade, diploma, transcript or the right to participate in any activity related to educational advancement. Notice of the administering of such tests shall be given to the applicant not less than five days prior to the administration of the test(s). While some dress codes are stricter than others, this typically means students should avoid clothing that is too tight, is too revealing, or includes indecent images or words. Follow this link for information regarding our summer school program for 2023: Knight's Summer School Program. Dress Code (Policy 5500.04)In General. Suspension (JDD) Children who are currently enrolled in Rankin County School District will provide annual updated residency documentation. Upon the written request of either party (the principal or the parent or eligible student), a formal hearing shall be conducted as follows: 1. With regard to possession of items that may constitute a violation of law, or school policy or rules, school authorities may wish in their discretion to summons or call the appropriate law enforcement agencies in the interest of preserving the integrity of the educational mission of the school and the safety of all on the premises. The evaluation will include identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in parental engagement activities (with particular attention to parents who are economically disadvantaged, and disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background). The term parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring. ISTANBUL: Turkish authorities said Tuesday that Istanbul football club Fenerbahce would play this weekend's away match without its fans after spectators chanted "government, resign . If at any time during the sampling procedure the testing laboratory employee has reason to believe or suspect that a student is tampering with the specimen, the testing laboratory employee may stop the procedure to determine if a new sample should be obtained. North Middle School; Northwest Middle School; Southeast Middle School; West Middle School; Central High School; East High School; West High School; . 12. LEGAL REFERENCE: Zamora v. Pomeroy 639 F. 2nd. The new website ensures our school communities have a central point of access to the latest information about sports registration, schedules, scores , feature stories, program announcements, photo galleries and more.