With this considered, it appears that in John's case, the MCA would have been an appropriate means with which to act in John's best interests and convey him to a place of safety for further treatment, which would most likely have been the nearest emergency department. Another important aspect when treating patients with mental illness is the stigma associated with mental ill health (Fink and Tasman, 1992). That said, we must not forget the potential for the additional confusion seen overseas once given access to further legislative powers (Townsend and Luck, 2009). Gillick competence empowers children to exercise autonomy over their own medical decisions. Therefore, a set of laws regulates the requirements of paramedics competence and professional skills that are essential for successful and effective performance (Woollard, 2009). Overview Fingerprint Abstract Principlism is arguably the dominant recognised ethical framework used within medicine and other Western health professions today, including the UK paramedic profession. At the same time, the education should not be subjective, prejudiced, or convincing as the patients have to make their own decisions concerning their lives and health conditions. In these complex cases with so many variables, it can sometimes be difficult to fit patients in-between the lines of any law, often meaning that when decisions are unclear, paramedics are forced to engage in a risk management strategy without the power or provision of involuntary sectioning (Palmer, 2011). A progression of learning in terms of acting morally and ethically is necessary when nurses undergo training on both an undergraduate and a specialist level. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/pmj.79.929.151 (PDF) Applied paramedic law and ethics . Townsend and Luck (eds)(2013 An act done, or decision made, under this Act for or on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be done, or made, in his best interests. After that, we provide a few recommendations that can assist healthcare professionals in improving their capacity for making ethical decisions. Medical Technician-Basic (EMT-B)/ Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-P) team) arrive and assume care. Monday, January 2, 2017. In other words, the paramedicine practitioners should inform the patients about all the probable effects of treatment as well as explain its moral and ethical issues. Consumer rights in advocacy and health care. This exploratory case study utilized semi-structured interviews of thirteen North. Should the MCA have been used, John would have been transported to an accident and emergency department, which may not be the most suited to deal with his condition (Morrisson-Rees et al, 2015; O'Hara et al, 2015), whereas the use of the MHA allowed him to be transported directly to a mental health unit. Alternatively, when a patient is deemed to lack capacity, paramedics can then act in a patient's best interests without their consent under the MCA; this can create an equally complex situation where paramedics attempt to ensure the patient receives the right care in the least restrictive manner possible (Townsend and Luck, 2009). They identify and direct the work of the paramedical practices as well as determine all possible ways of interacting and communicating with patients (Bledsoe et al., 2006). Dive into the research topics of 'Ethics and law in paramedic practice: Boundaries of capacity and interests'. He was also unable to effectively communicate his decision making process. The priorities of the medical director C. The wishes of the general public D. Locally accepted protocols, During your monthly internal quality improvement (QI) meeting, you review several patient care reports . Although provider judgment plays a large role in the resolution of conflicts at the scene, it is important to establish protocols and policies, when possible, to address these high-risk and complex situations. ethics of paramedics - SlideShare This research aims to highlight and explore underlying values present within practice-based decisions. Ethical challenges in Emergency Medical Services - PubMed More specifically, how should they navigate these situations in the presence of complexities such as diminished mental capacity and end-of-life care? Ethical Issues in Sports Medicine - In the United States - studocu.com Foundations for paramedic practice: a theoretical perspective - Amazon Ethical Challenges in Emergency Medical Services: Controversies and Continuing Professional Development: Ethical aspects of consent, duty The use of the other sections of the MHA can require much more time (Hawley et al. C. Patient care cannot be discredited based on poor documentation. They must also deliver care that is consistent with ethical standards and respectful of the expectations, preferences and beliefs of the patient. Current Issues in Paramedic Practice Also, the ambulance crew is often vulnerable to physical and verbal abuse in the course of discharging their duty. Such an approach preserves all ethical aspects of the paramedical profession since it shows respect to patients and reveals professional competence and help at once (Blaber, 2012). Some patients with a disability are considered vulnerable in a similar way to older patients: they sometimes lack the defences or resources to deal with threats to them. Up to 28 days, can be extended by subsequent assessments if required, Person must be at significant risk of: harm to self, harm to others, self-neglect, Requires an approved mental health professional (AMHP) and 2 doctors, Up to 6 months then re-assessed (if not already re-assessed), Critical and urgent admission for up to 72 hours, Used in emergencies as only requires one medical opinion so quicker than section 2 or 3, Police may enter a person's property (with a warrant obtained from a magistrate's court) to remove them to a place of safety if they are believed to be suffering from a mental illness and at risk of harm to self or others, Removal to place of safety (can be police station) for further assessment. They must also deliver care that is consistent with ethical. This will also help you learn important concepts for the exam. This CPD module will focus on some of the key ethical issues in relation to paramedic practice and prehospital care. In order to begin to discuss some of these complexities, a case report will be presented to allow exploration of the challenges paramedics may face when trying to manage patients presenting with mental health conditions that require treatment but are refusing aid against advice. From this standpoint, the paramedics have to follow the same regulations and standards that are mandatory for the whole country. Ethical considerations in prehospital ambulance based research PDF Ethical Questions in Emergency Medical Services: Controversies and Many with intellectual or communication disabilities are able to live independently in the community and make autonomous choices about their healthcare. Health care professionals may be more likely to use the MCA to enforce treatment should they consider the patient unlikely to meet the threshold for detention under the MHA. From this point of view, paramedicine has to develop a distinct set of ethical standards and rules to cover their sphere of professional activities. If a registrant's fitness to practise is impaired (in other words, negatively affected) it means there are concerns about their ability to practise safely and effectively. Ethical dilemmas are in large part situational, and so it may be helpful to briefly describe the occupational nature of paramedic practice. C. vehicle safety. In some cases, it may be a confusing task to react properly to the emerged contradictory issues, preserving the legal implications and moral duties at the same time. They must also deliver care that is consistent with ethical standards and respectful of the expectations, preferences and beliefs of the patient. A consensus among paramedic supervisors B. Bachelor of Paramedic Practice (Conversion Pathway) (53C) Ethical Issues in Paramedic Practice | Free Essay - Essayscreator.com A paramedic should always ensure the confidentiality of not only a patient's medical information but also his or her personal information (Pozgar & Pozgar, 2012). prevent the safe and effective practice.5 Ideally, the paramedic concerned should report any of the above issues themselves, as this reflects professional behaviour. However, it is also essential to explain their view on the problem and prove the beneficence of their choice to reach an agreement with the patients (Aehlert, 2012). This can be a common complication in psychosis and is frequently exacerbated by the effects psychosis has on a person's levels of trust, insight and the ability to rationalise, making them reluctant to share information (Kleiger and Khadivi, 2015). Although John appeared calm, and wasn't behaving at all aggressively at that time, the acute state of psychosis can be unpredictable, and pose serious risks (Hawley et al, 2011). Moreover, paramedics should respect the autonomy of patients and protect their privacy if needed. This principle refers to both physical and mental damage, which can be done to the clients. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that many ethical issues presented in health care have little to do with paramedicine as the latter focuses mainly on emergencies. Exploring New Zealand Paramedic Attitudes Towards Advance Directives However, ethical issues relating to vulnerability and the treatment of children extend well beyond Gillick competence. (PDF) Reflective Practice for Paramedics - ResearchGate author = "Hamish Carver and Dominique Moritz and Phillip Ebbs". The legal principle of capacity is closely aligned with the ethical principle of autonomy as both relate to the independence and freedom that a person can exercise over their own actions and decisions. Preventing children from exercising their autonomy may cause ethical challenges (Box 1). Although provider judgment plays a large role in the resolution of conflicts at the scene, it is important to establish protocols and policies, when possible, to address these high-risk and complex situations. Therefore, consideration of these effects is part of how they treat patients and make decisions. Chat. Ethics National Health Service (NHS) ethical approval was deemed unnecessary during proportionate review, as interviews were with existing staff and no changes to their practice were planned, nor was any contact made with patients. Practitioners must manage care that is least restrictive of the patient's rights (Mental Capacity Act 2005, section 1). By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. That said, given the earlier acknowledgment of paramedics feeling undertrained to assess mental health patients (Roberts and Henderson, 2009; Berry, 2014) it could be questioned how equipped paramedics would be to utilise this act. In the case of paramedicine, both ethics and law should remain unprejudiced and objective.
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