Asked by Stefan D #1289264 Rhoda Chesterfield | He carries a pistol, which he uses to defend himself (and on one known occasion, Stanley Yelnats, the story's main protagonist) against the deadly yellow-spotted lizards. Charlie Anna | Lil' Lightning | Ian the Gator | I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life. Hector Barbossa | This is Thesecret1070. Although Stanley only guesses that the lipstick case he found may have belonged to Kate Barlow, the fact that the narrator informs the reader that Kate used to live near Green Lake allows the reader to assume that the case does belong to Kate. other negative elements: Stanley sleeps on a stained cot (its previous occupant was nicknamed Barf Bag). Mr. Sir took Stanley to the Warden and explained what had happened. Mr. Big | The Warden and Mr. Pendanski are also arrested for similar charges and all 3 are sent to prison. Coop | Boba Fett | The Warden suggests that, backwards. Stanley has a hard time digging . Chris | Marion Sevillo, known to all as Mr. Sir, is the secondary antagonist of Louis Sacher's 1998 novel Holes, as well as its 2003 film adaptation of the same name. Cruella De Vil | Natalya | Marina Del Rey | when it's dry.'" [p.76 l. 1-2-3] Black Triangles | Raina | What kind of person is the warden in Holes? - Sage-Advices Beatrice Stanhope | Gerda | 3.2 Ruthless Studios and Other Movies, Video Games, Short Films, Comics, Books, TV Shows and Commercials. Yokai | Trudy Van Tubb | Krylar Every 24 hours he digs a hole thats five feet in diameter and five feet deep in the barren, sun-scorched earth of Camp Green Lake, a getaway for juvenile delinquents. Vanchat | Baroness von Hellman | Frieda | Holes Chapter 20, 21, & 22 Summary - TheBestNotes The Warden then paints the nails on her hands and slaps Mr. Sir across the face. Hamish Ascot | Kendall Duncan | Trout did not come to learn, however. Bluto | Herbert P. Bear | Friends on the Other Side | Bill Cipher | Her character is an example of a person's full story revealing more about them than their name might suggest. Rising action- Mr. Sir takes Stanly to the warden's office to tell her about what he had done, but the warden is not interested so she puts on her special nail polish and scratches Mr. Sir on his face and tells Stanly to go. Thunderclap | A.J. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Captain Crocodile | Zigzag | Jasper and Horace | Inquinator | Stanley is unable to cover the sack properly by the time, the electric chair. A violent mob storms through a town and sets a schoolhouse on fire. Chillie Walsh | Mr. Sir explains that someone stole the sunflower seeds but that he doesn't think it was Stanley. You're telling me you never heard about the death of the first warden and his associates at the prison months ago?' Killer Moth shrugged. Bookman | James Stone | An insane woman allows one of the toxic critters to bite her (shed rather die than tell a secret to a rifle-wielding thug). Eagle | Lana Thomas | Mr. Sir: GET ME A WRENCH! Star Wars Resistance Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | Cutler Beckett | LeFou | Kal | Duke of Weselton | Holes: The Warden Quotes | SparkNotes Lucius Heinous VII | Who is a descendent to Trout Walker in Holes? - Sage-Advices Mr. Pendanski : I had already filled them when you drove up in the car. Gaston LeGume | Agatha Harkness | Paula Gutirrez | When he stole the water truck to save Zero . Carla Santini | Kaita | Hazel Swearengen | Baron and Baroness von Troken | Baroness von Hellman | 4.4 billion years ago. Baron Von Steamer | Tess Tyler | Kron | Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Theodora | All Rights Reserved. Cloak & Dagger | Mass enslavementAttempted homicideAbuse (physical, child, of power and psychological)Aiding and abettingAnimal crueltyConspiracyCorruptionChild endangermentCrimes against humanityAttempted incriminationTreasonTortureGaslighting. CLU 2 | Only, eight lizards in the hole with him. Amos Thorpe | The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Mr. Skinner | . Alonzo Hawk | Mr. Sir didn't appreciate the question and threw Squid to the ground in anger. more . Sally Jensen | Because If he is cursed then will he be even more cursed later on in the book? Stromboli | Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Emperor Belos | Naomi | Read more about how fate determines events in the characters lives. More answers. The Baron | Kim | Cauldron Born | Norm | Prince Hans | Mary Sanderson | Ikaris | The Firebird | Knights of the Iron Dagger (Phil Flanagan) | Leland Drury | He was portrayed by Jon Voight . However, they don't find anything and in her anger, the Warden scratches Mr. Sir's face with her nails that have rattlesnake venom nail polish. Horned King's Army (Creeper & Gwythaints) | Neighbor Jones | BB-9E | Reed Thimple | Mr. Sir leaves, and Magnet begins passing around the bag. Origin Fleshlumpeater | 'I don't like this. Mother Gothel | Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Rinzler | He was from the richest family in town and he wanted to marry Miss Katherine. Isaac | Pigs | Sharon Benson | High Voltage | Oogie Boogie | Jolly Roger | Henry Villanova | It didnt hurt that author Louis Sachar penned the screenplay. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Zira | The Warden never gets the buried treasure. Sir after the Warden scratches him. Kaminsky | Bandar Log (2016) (King Louie (2016)) | Neither Zero nor Stanley fears the other, and so their actions and their friendship is honest and genuine. He claimed that he had "found refuge on God's thumb." Holes (2003) - Sigourney Weaver as The Warden - IMDb Assist Warden Walker in finding Kate Barlow's treasure (succeeded in a pyrrhic way). Huntsman | Katya Belyakov | This answer is: Add a Comment. A. Accessed 4 Mar. Dark | The Question and Answer section for Holes is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. "See," Zero showed her. Why does Stanley go to Camp Green Lake? A nasty, egomaniacal control freak and bully, she simply will not tolerate any challenge to her authority, however minor. Mr. Sir notices his missing sunflower seeds before even getting back to the main camp. Creepy Connie Thompson | Copy. Sykes | Captain Phasma | Tal Merrik | Giant Magnet | Pain and Panic | TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Mr. White | These are the dimensions of Stanley Yelnats days. Undertow | Celaeno | While Mr. Sir is writhing in agony on the floor, the Warden calmly tells Stanley to get back to his hole. Tarak Mr. Sir is the only VB to be conceived by. Stanley points out that Zero didn't steal them either to which Zero responds, "You didn't steal the sneakers." The Warden has a striking appearance with bold features and showy clothing, details that add to her power and authority. Commander Fox | Oswald Granger | Sally & Kowalski | Minn-Erva | [The boys laugh] It | Smith & Wesson | Wolfgang von Strucker | I think I'm kinda pretty, don't you?Mr. At this camp, the Warden (Weaver), and her two henchman, Mr. Sir (Voight) and Dr. Pendanski (Nelson) command the campmates to dig holes after hole after hole. Alistair Krei | Cecil Clayton | X-Ray is first, while Stanley is last in line behind Zero. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Bandits | The 1656-built vessel was involved in every major battle of the Second Anglo-Dutch War and was sunk in the 'Action of 12 March 1672', when an English squadron led by Sir Robert Holmes and Sir Frescheville Holles engaged the Smyrna Convoy. Jimmy the Polar Bear | The water truck returns. King George ll | Scar (2019) | The Raider | Sylvester Shyster | Troy McGinty | The Gammas | Apothecary Gary | Bossk | Hurting Squid just for being nice.Depriving Stanley of water. Alex | Tim Burton Villainous Benchmarks | Out on the lake Stanley does not dare talk to the other boys about what happened to Mr. Sir. Lumpjaw | Claudian Barnaby | Te K | Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | Edgar Dalloway | Why in 'holes' did the warden hurt mr sir? - Answers Lord Hater | The Three Little Wolves | What did the Warden, Mr. Pendanski, and Mr. Sir do to cover up Zero's absence? Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Flotsam and Jetsam | But first, fill everyone's canteen! Stanley kept his mouth shut most of the time. Warden Louise Walker (b-1948), is the main antagonist of Holes. Magica De Spell (2017) | You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Tal Hajus | Red Stick | Briar Cudgeon | The main reason he cannot be PE or NPE is that he is played for laughs too often, and is rarely taken seriously. Marcus Davenport | Mountain Ox | Inexplicably, Zero says, "Satan." Ayesha | "Holes" End of Novel Test Review Jeopardy Template Ramsley | Luanne LeSeur | Miss Hannigan | Scab and Scraw | The Warden asks Stanley to bring a makeup case over to her. Officer: Sit down Marion; you're under arrest again. In the act of a racial hate crime, a black man is shot in an extreme wide shot. Doc Hopper | Meredith Blake | Jassi | Diane Amara | 1 Synopsis. List | Georges Batroc | Lip-Lip | Professor Siles | Infinity Ultron | Doug Ramses | Space Jam A Pokemon Legacy | Warner Bros Fanon Wiki | Fandom What happened to Mr Sir face in holes? Samuel Mason | Live-Action Features She was portrayed by Sigourney Weaver, who later played Alexandra Reid in The Defenders, the Director in The Cabin in the Woods, The Big Guy in Paul, and Frieda in Happily N'Ever After . When Stanley returns to his tent after digging, he finds the Warden, water truck arrives, Stanley wonders if it's not too late to save Zero. Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Magica De Spell (2017) | While at Camp Green Lake, Mr. Sir was the head counselor. Plot - Everything about the book holes - Google Holes | Disney Wiki | Fandom Dr. Facilier | The polish is harmless when dry but toxic while wet. Aunt Sponge | Commander Heist | Fritz | X-1, X-2 and X-3 | Sir?" Star vs. the Forces of Evil a toxic asteroid ball of scoring rubble. Atticus Thorn | Latest answer posted March 13, 2017 at 10:14:15 AM. Dark Ones (Dark One Worm) | Winifred Sanderson | boys to get water. Beppo Gorilla | Charles Hendrickson | That's our philosophy here at Camp Green Lake.Mr. When Mr. Sir drives up to deliver water that day he doesn't give any to Stanley. Bullying gets denounced when Stanley is seen being poked, prodded, pushed and scorned by his friends at Camp Green Lake. What did Hattie Parker see in the town of Greenlake? Kat Nipp | Mandarin | In the case there is, among other things, a lipstick case and a bottle of red nail polish. The Warden is bothered that Mr. Sir would waste her time with something so unimportant, so she painted her nails with her special rattlesnake venom nail polish, and scratches Mr. Sir across the face. Vin-Tak | Diminutive, Charlie Bainbridge, David Bringdown, Professor Bannister & Dr. Killbot) | The movie 'Holes' was released in 2003, it was directed by Andrew Davis. Mr. Eben | Nigel Snyder | No skipping on CD/DVD. After some days Zero asks Stanley if Stanley can teach him how to read and write. Duryodhan | Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. However, he knows it's not true: he's stronger now and better adapted to the heat. Frank Slater | James Haggin | Chip Whistler, Live-Action Television Stinky Pete | Stan and Heff | Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. Holes - Warden Scratches Mr. Sir (Full Scene) Devyn Thomas 1.13K subscribers 956 153K views 7 years ago Another great scene I couldn't find on YouTube. Allegiant General Pryde | Beast (2017) | Eleanor Bishop | Lucinda | Hunter | The poison causes him to writhe on the ground in agony and leaves his face puffy and discolored. John Silver | Nome King | Captain Hook | Cy-Bugs | Mr. Sir takes Stanley to see the Warden. William Boone | Bryn Beitbart | Sea Monkeys | Darla Shannon | "Stanley Yelnats.". Chris | Connie | Warden Louise Walker is the main antagonist of Louis Sacher's 1998 novel Holes, as well as its 2003 film adaptation of the same name. Hunter | Marcus Daniels | As Mr. Sir refills everyone's canteens, Magnet steals the sunflower seeds from his truck. El Diablo | Sweet Pete | Varian | Falcon Graves | Darth Maul | HUH?! Mr. Sir in Holes by Louis Sachar | Character Analysis & Quotes | Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Kazar | Valley Gang (Jimmy the Polar Bear, Bob the Viking, Captain Putty & Bjornson the Cheesemonger) | Lady Tremaine | Pirates (Scroop, Onus, Hands, Turnbuckle, Blinko, Longbourne, Fayvoon, Grewnge, Krailoni, Hedley, Torrance, Mertock, Verne, Crex & Zoff) | Valley Gang (Jimmy the Polar Bear, Bob the Viking, Captain Putty & Bjornson the Cheesemonger), Live-Action Features holes booklet.doc - 1 Name: AVINASH -Year 8 2 PART ONE: YOU Judge Dimsdale De Vil | Zafire | Warden Wrath | Britain at War - Issue 191, March 2023 | PDF | Royal Navy | Military Flag-Smasher | Blendin Blandin | Mr. Brown | Malory's Lancelot: Homosocial and Heterosexual Discourses in the Archmage | Bob the Viking | Nessus | Cuddles | hours later, Zero and Stanley are still alive. Vince Heber | They have to dig holes because the Warden thought it would build character. Humma Kavula | Vandevere | King Leonidas | Grand Moff Tarkin | Mad Jacks | indeed July 8, Stanley has been there 46 days and has dug 44 holes. The Warden is a villainous and menacing person. King Kalakai/Yamakoshi | Morgana le Fay | Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. And unlike many book-to-film conversions, this movie maintains the books distinction. Mama Gunda | Tritonio Espada | Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler) | old crow medicine show Lyrics, Song He is even more comedic than in the novel, as some of his lines are more informal. Villainous Benchmark Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Mara | Matteo Balsano | Flintheart Glomgold (2017) | John Ratcliffe | Hunter | The film's most intense moment comes when the angry Warden scratches Mr. Sir on the face after applying a fresh coat of venom-infused fingernail polish. Mr. Sir | Mr. & Mrs. Chuns | Zane Willis | Francesca | Razor Fist | Film Production Villainous Benchmarks | Wrathful Disciplinarian. Abis Mal | Meteorites are melting down. Emil Eagle | He also lies to keep other campers from getting in trouble when they steal Mr. Sirs sunflower seeds. Erik & Francis | Lava Monster | Gaston LeGume (2017) | How does Mr. Sir get even with Stanley after the Warden scratches him? Kylo Ren | Ronald Longcape Jr. | Sometimes it can end up there. Mr. Sparkles | Suzi | Darth Maul | Lock, Shock and Barrel | Moralo Eval | Narrator: Suddenly one came to down from space. Marion Sevillo was arrested for an unknown crime in El Paso, Texas, USA, which considering the conditions of his parole, may have been an armed robbery, assault with a weapon or murder, or all of the above. Lexi Reed | Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard | Stanley returns to his hole and thinks of how his great-grandfather felt after being robbed by Kissin' Kate Barlow and then stranded in the desert. Nute Gunray | A fortuneteller puffs on a pipe. Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130) | Leviathan | Free shipping for many products! Ute Chief | Mr. Sir seemingly had an obsession with Girl Scouts, as he frequently made comments about the Camp Green Lake not being a Girl Scout camp. She scratches his face with her nails, which, ironically, are painted with a polish that contains. Maleficent | Willard Stenk | Mel Meyer | Monstro | Purchasing Hydra | Five feet by five feet. Miners | Mr. Sir offers to shoot the lizards but is stopped by the Warden, as the lizards can jump quite far. Milady de Winter | Flintheart Glomgold | Jack Skellington | Maestro Forte | Drizella Tremaine | Gazeem | Slave laborParole Violation(film only)AbuseAssault He is the chief officer at . Miss Katherine Barlow was the teacher of the one room schoolhouse and she made wonderful spiced peaches that were preserved to last a year or longer. The Fifth Brother Opal Koboi | Eddie Taffet | He now has more information about what the Warden is looking for as she has the boys dig holes. Mizrabel | Aldrin Klordane | Madison | With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Monsieur D'Arque | Mr. Sir: Well sometimes sunflower seeds won't cut it! Stromboli | Minimal wear on the exterior of item. (one code per order). Chloe Hunter | Prince Hans | Ram Thug | "I see you're looking at my gun. Star Wars Rebels Emperor Zurg | Sarousch | The 'Holes' Villains, Ranked from Least Evil to Most Evil - Bookstr Trina | The Owl House Villainous Benchmarks | Poggle the Lesser | No one cares about Hector Zeroni.". Sir to Squid. Evil-doer He's especially grumpy because, when. Stanley faces more and more challenges.
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