The consequences will be fatal to Palestinians’ access to water and food as Israel is planning to annex parts of the West Bank where Palestinian’s very limited water resources are found and where more than 50 % of food in the West Bank is grown. [127] Although the fire happened just 10 meters away from al-Aqsa, there was no damage to the mosque. Foto: AP/Majdi Mohammed. Unsere Demonstration zum Nakba-Tag in Berlin am 15.05. [159] On 23 May, it was reported that 10% of those arrested over the riots were Jews, with the vast majority of those arrested being Arabs. Hamas og andre militante grupperinger på Gaza sender fra deres side mindre, men dødelige, raketter mod Israel. Fundet i bogen – Side 51... wird bei einer Demonstration verletzt und verhaftet, spürt vor allem den wachsenden Antisemitismus. Nathan ist inzwischen vom "Sturm der zionistisch-sozia- listischen Ideen aus Palästina" erfasst, sucht Kontakt zu Recha Freier, ... [285], On 18 May, the Greek foreign minister Nikos Dendias becomes the first European official to visit Israel and Palestine, followed by a visit to Jordan, in consultation with France, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and the United States as part of the efforts for brokering a ceasefire between the two parties,[286] while France announced the filing of a resolution with the UN Security Council calling for a cease-fire, in coordination with Egypt and Jordan. [94] In 2021 Israel's Supreme Court was expected to deliver a ruling on whether to uphold the eviction of six Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood on 10 May 2021, after a court ruled that 13 families comprising 58 people had to vacate the properties by 1 August. Disse, sammen med deres børn og børnebørn, er derfor forblevet flygtninge, men har ifølge FN og folkeretten ret til at vende tilbage. The statement made no reference to Hamas. The official said that the Israeli Air Force suspected that there may have been explosives or munitions stored in the underground infrastructure targeted which ultimately caused the buildings to collapse. Konflikten i Mellemøsten kører nu på tredje uge. Together with the EU, Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (S) has sent a message to Israel mentioning that they should adhere to international law, yet Kofod doesn’t put his words into action when avoiding to pose any threats or sanctions that could harm the existing EU-Israel trade agreements. Shots were fired at the rioters, killing one and wounding two; a Jewish suspect in the shooting was arrested. These teams were identified by IDF reconnaissance units and subsequently destroyed in pinpoint attacks. Mange masser i Danmark har et specielt tilhørsforhold til Palæstina, og Israels barbariske angreb mod Palæstinas civilbefolkning har således ført til vrede og foragt blandt masserne i Danmark. [16] In Acre, the Effendi hotel was torched by Arab rioters, injuring several guests. [95] According to Haaretz, Mandelblit notified the court on 7 June that he would decline to present a view on the case;[96] a new hearing date of 2 August was set. [215] In one instance, a Hamas team was spotted launching the submarine. Foto: Ida Jørgensen Thinn. Zionismen; ideen om en jødisk stat i Israel. Tausende massnahmengegner haben sich am samstagnachmittag in bern zu einer . Casa d'italia, bühlstrasse 57 . Fundet i bogen – Side 86Og så til Gaza For palæstinenserne var den ny krig i Libanon endnu palæstinensisk produktion gik i stå , arbejdsløsheden en demonstration af Israels militære styrke , som steg , fattigdommen bredte sig , og Hamas forberedte hidtil havde ... Another senior Israeli official later said that the estimated 1/1 ratio between militants and civilians in the strike was 'phenomenal' given how deeply military infrastructure was embedded in civilian areas of the neighborhood. Verdenskrig ønskede zionistledelsen at overtage magten i Palæstina og slippe af med det britiske styre. Nogle bosættere mener, at jøderne er Guds udvalgte folk, og at de derfor har ret til at bo i hele det bibelske Israel, som inkluderer de besatte palæstinensiske områder. The IDF said it had destroyed 60 miles (97 km) of Hamas's underground tunnel system, nicknamed the, This page was last edited on 11 November 2021, at 16:43. The Electronic Intifada 2 November 2020. In Lod, rocks were thrown at Jewish apartments and some Jewish residents were evacuated from their homes by the police. [325], A poll cited by The Times of Israel on 20 May found that out of 684 Israelis, 72% believed the military operations targeting Gaza should have continued without ceasefire. Israel is no longer a democracy but an "apartheid regime" devoted to cementing the supremacy of Jews over Palestinians, the country's best-known human rights group said in a report published Tuesday. But Did It Achieve its Aim? FREIHEIT FÜR PALÄSTINA! Fundet i bogen – Side 116Ob politisch korrekt oder unverschämt, intelligent oder unhöflich – die Freunde der Gleichberechtigung in Palästina waren geschlagen. Der US-Präsident verkündete „Israels Recht auf Selbstverteidigung“, BBC und CNN einigten sich auf die ... Fundet i bogen – Side 54Der Demonstration der dominierenden Macht des gespannten königlichen Bogens scheint letztlich auch der Umstand zu dienen , daß Löwen in der Regel hockend ( Abb . 21. 24. 25 , vgl . Abb . 8–9 ) und Antilopen liegend ( Abb . 25–27 , vgl . Annekteringen er en fortsættelse af Israels mangeårige besættelse og etniske udrensning af palæstinensere. [44] According to the Red Crescent, 250 Palestinians were hospitalized for injuries and seven were in critical condition. Demonstration at 7 pm with music, speeches, flyers and banners. [60] More than 300 Palestinians were wounded as Israeli police stormed the mosque compound. Fundet i bogen – Side 9712 ) , et la reprise de la marche dans le désert par le refus du roi d'Edom de laisser passer Israël par son pays . ... ou qu'il y a deux traditions différentes sur le nom de Hormah . i Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus , p . demonstration against Israel's assault on Gaza. [117], On 7 May, large numbers of police were deployed on the Temple Mount as around 70,000 worshippers attended the final Friday prayers of Ramadan at al-Aqsa. Demonstration i solidaritet med Jerusalem, Gaza og Sheik Jarrah Fredag d. 14. maj kl. - Israel skal stoppe den massakre, de har gang i i Palæstina, forklarer Ahmad. Den blev etableret i 1880-tallet og var en del af den europæiske bosætter-kolonialismen. One was intercepted, another landed in an open area, and the remaining two fell into the sea. Only his teenage son survived,', 'The Neutrality and Inviolability of UNRWA Installations Must be Respected at All Times,', 'Among ruins of bombed city towers, Gazans still reel from shock and pain,', 'Donations flood in to restore Gaza bookshop destroyed by Israeli airstrikes,', "Biden to Send U.S. Official Hady Amr 'Immediately' to Meet Israeli, Palestinians Leaders", "U.S. objects to U.N. meeting on Israel, Gaza on Friday -diplomats", "Biden speaks with Netanyahu as Israeli and Palestinian violence pulls US focus back to Middle East", "UN secretary-general calls for Gaza ceasefire 'out of respect for spirit of Eid, "Biden speaks to both Netanyahu and Abbas in attempt to deescalate Gaza tensions", "U.S. The confrontations occurred ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march, Dance of Flags, by far-right Jewish nationalists that was later canceled. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators attend a protest following a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence . 6 aerial[24] and "several" underwater drones destroyed (per Israel)[25] Then, another conflict broke out in Gaza", "Palestinians, Israeli settlers scuffle in east Jerusalem", "Palestinians, Israel police clash at Al-Aqsa mosque; 53 hurt", "Dozens wounded as Israeli forces raid Al-Aqsa compound: Live", "Violence Spreads on Day Israel Marks Its Control of Jerusalem", "Violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque leads to rocket fire, air strikes between Hamas and Israel", "Jerusalem Day Violence: Dozens of Palestinians Wounded in Clashes on Temple Mount", "Clashes, prayers in Jerusalem on Muslim Laylat al-Qadr", "Israel/ OPT: End brutal repression of Palestinians protesting forced displacement in occupied East Jerusalem", "The violence that began at Jerusalem's ancient holy sites is driven by a distinctly modern zeal", "Tree catches fire outside Jerusalem's al Aqsa mosque, no damage to mosque", "In Pictures: 11 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank", "Gaza conflict rages as Israeli PM says air strikes will continue", "Palestinian man tries to stab Israeli soldiers in Hebron, is shot — IDF", "Israel renews airstrikes on Gaza, and Hamas fires rockets back, as violence continues for fifth night", "Four Palestinians killed by Israeli fire in West Bank, over 100 injured", "2 soldiers shot in West Bank, 3 Palestinians killed by gunfire amid unrest", "Palestinians in West Bank, Israel declare general strike in unprecedented show of unity", "A Second Look at the Political Mobilization of the Palestinian Citizens of Israel", "Palestinians go on strike as Israel-Hamas fighting rages", "In Pictures: In show of unity, Palestinians go on strike", "Clashes in Jerusalem and West Bank amid protests and strikes", "Arab Israeli killed amid violent riots by Arab mob in Lod; Jewish suspect held", "Muslim headstones, synagogues vandalized in Israeli city as Jewish-Arab violence persists", "Ex-head of Israel space program dies weeks after injured in Acre hotel attack", "Avi Har-Even, Defense Min. Fundet i bogen – Side 114von der Intifada gezeichnet : Zeichnungen und Berichte von Menschen und ihrem Leben in Palästina Dieter Masuhr ... Nicht ganz Israel hat sie umgebracht , sondern einer allein ! ... Ibrahim erklärte : „ Es gab Demonstrationen ! This is not good enough. halvdelen af det palæstinensiske folk (Foto: gnuckx / Flickr). Der hessischer Antisemitismusbeauftragte hat Strafanzeige wegen der Verwendung des Begriffs Palästina gestellt, dass dieser antisemitisch sein soll, darauf wären selbst in Israel nur wenige gekommen. [183] According to the IDF, at least 200 rockets launched by Hamas failed to reach Israel, and fell inside the Gaza Strip. I FN’s sikkerhedsråd bliver de fleste resolutioner mod Israel stoppet af USA’s vetoret. [1][114] An article in The Conversation dismissed this as "conspiratorial", arguing that although the crisis has given Netanyahu a political opportunity, he "was not looking or hoping for a major conflict with the Palestinians to help him hold onto power". Holocaust bidrog også til, at styrke jødernes tro på behovet for at oprette en stat, hvor jøder var i overvældende flertal. [152][153], By 17 May, the rioting had mostly died down. De fleste har kritiseret den israelske besættelse af de palæstinensiske områder siden 967. [182] Over 850 rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel on 12 May. There were also 5,018 recorded instances of stone-throwing against Jews. Es ist ein jahrzehntelanger konflikt zwischen israel und palästina. Three other Israeli civilians including an 87-year-old woman died from injuries sustained after they fell while running to bomb shelters during attacks. 15.30 fra Svanemøllen til den israelske ambassade (ankomst 16:00) The organization claimed that a "catalogue of violations" was committed by Israeli police against Palestinians in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem. Teilnehmer einer unangemeldeten demonstration in münchen gegen die eskalation . [192] Hamas tried repeatedly to attack Israel's Tamar gas field. [48][49][50][51] Israel began a campaign of airstrikes against Gaza; by 16 May, some 950 targeted attacks had demolished, completely or partially: 18 buildings including four high-rise towers, 40 schools and four hospitals, and also struck the al-Shati refugee camp. An additional 33 were killed and . Violence erupted in London yesterday as pro-Palestine protesters clashed with police during a demonstration against the continued conflict in the Middle East. [245], According to Amira Hass, 15 Israeli strikes have targeted individual family dwellings, causing multiple deaths among members of the 15 families living there. Israels blokade af Gazastriben bryder grundlæggende menneskerettigheder. [72] The barrage of rocket fire came as hundreds of Palestinians clashed with Israeli police in East Jerusalem and on 25 April, the United Nations envoy Tor Wennesland condemned the violence and said, "The provocative acts across Jerusalem must cease. Israel og PLO bliver enige om to Osloaftaler, i 1993 og 1995. Berlin Demo gegen Israel, Pro Palästina Demonstration am Kottbusser Tor in Kreuzberg. Date. Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2021, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, United Nations Security Council resolution, Palestinian displacement in East Jerusalem, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict in 2021 § May, List of Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel in 2021, Casualties of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, Hamas' extensive underground tunnel network, Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, protests over the 2021 Israel-Palestine crisis, banned Jews from going to the al-Aqsa plaza, List of modern conflicts in the Middle East, "After Years of Quiet, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Exploded. [101][102][103] Hamas, which was expected to do well in the elections, called the move a "coup",[103] and some Palestinians believed Abbas had delayed the election to avoid political defeat for his party Fatah. [247] Palestinian journalist Yusuf Abu Hussein was killed in an Israeli airstrike in his home on 19 May, prompting outcry from the International Federation of Journalists. Både palæstinensiske og jødiske grupper gør oprør mod briterne. Hvis annekteringen gennemføres vil det være umuligt at opbygge en sammenhængende palæstinensisk stat. Hvornår startede den? Jan Mathisen - 3F Palestine Network. Es ist ein jahrzehntelanger konflikt zwischen israel und palästina. Israel-Palæstina-konflikten er først og fremmest en territorial konflikt mellem staten Israel og det palæstinensiske folk. After the evening prayers, some Palestinian worshippers began throwing previously stockpiled rocks and other objects at Israeli police officers. [237], The IDF said that on 19 May four rockets were fired from near Siddikine village in the Tyre District of Southern Lebanon towards Haifa. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Israeli forces killed two Palestinians in the occupied West Bank during October. [248] An Israeli airstrike on 20 May killed a disabled Palestinian man, his pregnant wife, and their three-year-old daughter. Palestine in Pictures: October 2020. FN vedtager at dele området ind i en jødisk og en palæstinensisk del. [240][21] Four of the killed women were pregnant. Dette satte fart på den jødiske indvandring til Palæstina. Den jødiske indvandring fortsatte også efter 2. [64] Israel stated that it had killed 200 militants,[2] while according to Hamas 80 Palestinian fighters were killed. [278], 3,424 claims of compensation for property damage have been filed by Israelis as a result of the fighting: 1,724 related to damage to motor vehicles.[48]. "[311], On 9 May 2021, the Israeli Supreme Court delayed the expected decision on evictions for 30 days, after an intervention from Attorney General of Israel Avichai Mandelblit. Fundet i bogen – Side 277In seiner Ansprache betonte er die friedlich verlaufende Demonstration, kritisierte die österreichische Regierung sowie die Berichterstattung der Medien ... Weiters kritisierte er die UNO für ihre Haltung im Israel-Palästina-Konflikt. Demonstration: Giv apartheid-Israel det røde kort! Palestine/Israel Refracted", "Burning of Christian churches in Israel justified, far-Right Jewish leader says", "Washington Has Enabled Israeli Extremism", "As coronavirus recedes in Israel, tensions rise in Jerusalem", "In Jerusalem, Palestinians and Jews see a night of rage and hate", "Jerusalem tension triggers Gaza-Israel fire exchange", "IDF to respond strongly if Gaza rockets continue – security cabinet", "Palestinian teen killed during Israeli raid on West Bank village", "Muna is Palestine, Yakub is Israel: The Untold Story of Sheikh Jarrah", "Israel-Gaza: What is the conflict about? [79], The Sheikh Jarrah district houses the descendants of refugees expelled or displaced from their homes in Jaffa and Haifa in the Nakba of 1948. De palæstinensiske selvstyremyndigheder på Vestbredden har strenge restriktioner på palæstinensernes organisations- og ytringsfrihed, som blandt andetnhar inkluderet fængsling af journalister. Syrien og Israel har ikke indgået en fredsaftale. [45], On the afternoon of 10 May, Hamas gave Israel an ultimatum to withdraw security forces from the Temple Mount complex and Sheikh Jarrah by 6 p.m. Jun 14:00 - 16:00 Palæstinas Plads (Aka Israels Plads), København. We demand that Denmark and the EU not simply watch by while Israel and Trump break international law and continue their plans for annexation with unprecedented serious consequences for the future of Palestinians. Pressemeddelelse 14/05/2021 Pva. Omkring halvdelen af det palæstinensiske folk regnes som flygtninge. Opgaven var at få krigen til at stoppe. Udover palæ-flag, sås blandt andet 'Hammer & Segl', . 1948-krigen kan inddeles i to faser: før og efter 14. maj 1948, da Israel erklærede sig som stat. سوف نسير في شوارع كوبنهاجن يوم 4 تموز ضد الضم الإسرائيلي! [72][73] On the same day, a rabbi was beaten in Jaffa causing two days of protests. [293], Just hours after the ceasefire came into effect, what the New York Times described as a 'small skirmish',[294] in which 20 Palestinians were reportedly wounded, and 16 arrested,[295][296] between Israeli police and Palestinians took place just outside the Al Aqsa mosque. Indblandingen af andre lande har også gjort konflikten kendt som Mellemøsten-konflikten. [133] Large crowds also gathered in Nablus, Bethlehem and Hebron while police deployed water cannons in Sheikh Jarrah. [146], Unrest continued on 12 May. [158] By 19 May, 1,319 people had been arrested for participating in the riots, of whom 159 were Jewish, and 170 people had been criminally charged over the riots, of whom 155 were Arab and 15 Jewish. Verdenskrig, og Europas dårlige samvittighed for Holocaust gjorde, at oprettelsen af en jødisk stat havde større støtte end tidligere. By contrast, Jewish rioters damaged 13 Arab homes and set 13 Arab cars on fire, and there were 41 recorded instances of stone-throwing against Arabs. 12 på Akseltorv i Kolding. [44] Militants in Gaza fired rockets into Israel the following night. [b][82] These challenges were rejected by Israeli courts. 500+ Palestinians injured[27] [82] In 1956, the Jordanian government, in cooperation with the United Nations' organization for refugees, housed 28 of these Palestinian families on land owned by Jewish trusts. Biden stated that "Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory. Palæstinenserne har ikke nogen ordentlig repræsentant i FN, men takker nej på deres vegne. Pascal messerli, fraktionspräsident der svp im basler grossen rat, fürchtet, dass an der «palästina demo . Politiet vurderer, at 100 gående og 40 biler deltog i den ulovlige demonstration i Gellerup. The demonstration in London was organised by . Vestbredden bliver delt ind i tre områder; A, B og C. Selvstyremyndighederne kontrollerer A, Israel kontrollerer C, mens kontrollen deles mellem de to i B-områderne. Fundet i bogen – Side 78der Zweite Libanonkrieg und der Israel-Palästina-Konflikt 2006 Simon Wunder ... 5.000 Teilnehmern in Tel Aviv erreichte allerdings nur ca. ein Prozent der Teilnehmerzahl von Demonstrationen gegen den Libanonkrieg 1982.322 Die ... 6.2 Hvad kan der gøres? Fundet i bogen – Side 293ARBEITSROUTINEN IM KONFLIKT Tabelle 8: Ereignisdimensionen in Israel/Palästina INHALT MIT GENUINEM, spontan und ungeplant ... bei hohem Schaden hoher Nachrichtenwert Spontane Demonstration Spontane Reaktion auf politische Situation; ... Gazas befolkning er helt afhængig af den bistand UNWRA giver i forhold til sundhed og undervisning. Da 2. [215] On 20 May, a Hamas anti-tank missile attack on an IDF bus lightly wounded one soldier. Foto: 16 maj 2021 kl. [57] By 17 May, the United Nations estimated that Israeli airstrikes destroyed 94 buildings in Gaza, comprising 461 housing and commercial units, including the al-Jalaa Highrise, housing offices of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera and 60 condominiums. ", "How a Jerusalem neighborhood reignited the Israeli-Palestinian conflict", "Israeli-Hamas Cease-Fire Threatened by Tensions Over Contested Jerusalem Neighborhood", "Why the Sheikh Jarrah dispute has captured international attention", "Private Claims to Property Rights in the Future Israeli-Palestinian Settlement", "What has caused Jerusalem's worst violence in years? Første fase var mellem de jødiske indflyttere og den arabiske lokalbefolkning, dvs. Palæstinensere på Vestbredden, i Gaza og i Østjerusalem gør oprør mod den israelske besættelsesmagt og kræver en selvstændig stat. [82] Israeli law allows Israeli land owners to file claims over land in East Jerusalem which they have owned prior to 1948, except where expropriated by the Jordanian government,[84] but rejects Palestinian claims over land in Israel which they owned. [39][60][120][121] The storming came ahead of a Jerusalem Day flag march by Jewish nationalists through the Old City. FN anser Gazastriben for fortsat at være under israelsk besættelse. Store dele af befolkningen . [27] On 17 May, three Palestinian demonstrators were killed in clashes with the IDF. Palæstinenserne var ikke glade for denne udvikling - især ikke fordi de europæiske tilflytteres projekt var at etablere en stat, som var ekskluderende over for ikke-jøder, hvilket i praksis ville ramme næsten alle palæstinensere. [251][252][243] Bassem Issa, a top Hamas commander, was killed. Den manglende handling fra den danske regering er derfor under al kritik. Fundet i bogen – Side 245Es wird darauf hingewiesen , dass bereits andere Broschüren wie » Israel - Palästina : Fragen und Antworten zur ... Das Internationale Palästinakomitee taucht als Unterstützer bei der Demonstration » Freiheit für Palästina - stoppt das ... og Juda, erobret af babylonierne i 578 f.Kr. Nun wurde das „Friedman-Zentrum" eröffnet, teilgenommen hat der auch der FIFA-Präsident. Sammen med EU nøjes Udenrigsminister Jeppe Kofod (S) med at sende en besked til Israel om at respektere Folkeretten. ", "Israel violence, from Al-Aqsa protests to Palestinian rockets, helps Netanyahu and Hamas", "Israel and Hamas Enter Third Day of Conflict", "Tensions between Israel and Palestinians are sky-high. "[171] The following day, the IDF officially dubbed the campaign in the Gaza Strip "Operation Guardian of the Walls. Fundet i bogen – Side 74... dass schon während dieses jüdischen Krieges die Mehrzahl der Juden seit Jahrhunderten nicht im Land Israel, ... im Jahre 135 war der Name der Provinz »Judäa« – erst danach benannten die Römer diese Provinz in »Palästina« um. The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British government in 1917 during the First World War announcing support for the . [171], Some Palestinian rockets fell short and landed in the Gaza Strip resulting in at least seven casualties. Israelske styrker trækker sig tilbage til en "sikkerhedszone" i Sydlibanon i 1985, hvor de bliver indtil 2000. 16 Boykot Elbit Systems Boykot Israel Frit Palæstina Udtalelse ved Boykot Israel Kampagnen madag d. 6 marts 2017: "Boykot det israelske våbenfirma Elbit […] DEMONSTRATION: BOYKOT ELBIT SYSTEMS! Palæstinenserne kunne ikke stille meget op under krigen. [72] On 22 April, the far-right Jewish supremacist[74] group Lehava held a march through Jerusalem chanting "death to Arabs. [130][131] There have been daily demonstrations since the escalation in Gaza. "On at least two occasions in Haifa and Nazareth, witness accounts and verified videos showed police attacking groups of unarmed protesters without provocation", Amnesty reported. [85] The international community considers East Jerusalem to be Palestinian territory held under Israeli occupation and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has called on Israel to stop all forced evictions of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah, saying that if carried out the expulsions of the Palestinians would violate Israel's responsibilities under international law which prohibit the transfer of civilians in to or out of occupied territory by the occupying power. [72] The next day, tens of thousands of Palestinian worshippers were turned away from al-Aqsa, on the first Friday of Ramadan when Israel imposed a 10,000-person limit on prayers at the mosque. [82], In 2003, the Jewish trusts sold the homes to a right-wing settler organization, which then made repeated attempts to evict the Palestinian residents. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "[100], The 2021 Palestinian legislative election for the Palestinian Legislative Council, originally scheduled for 22 May 2021, was indefinitely postponed on 29 April 2021 by President Mahmoud Abbas. [253][254], On 18 May, Egypt pledged $500 million in efforts to rebuild Gaza after the missile strikes. Selv om der torsdag den 20. maj blev erklæret midlertidig våbenhvile i Gaza, mødte demonstranterne i London alligevel massivt op, … A few in the remaining group waved Palestinian flags; Israeli police entered to confiscate the flags and disperse the crowd. . Da krigen endte i januar 1949, sad Israel nu med et landområde, som var 77% af det historiske Palæstina, altså 22% større end det FN’s delingsplan havde foreslået. [127], After Friday prayers on 14 May, Palestinians protested in more than 200 locations in the West Bank. ( Log Out /  חדשות", "The Muslim Riots in Data: 10 Synagogues, 112 Jewish Homes Burned", "Prosecutors said to indict 170 people so far for riots, 15 of them Jewish", "Just 10% of those arrested over riots in Jewish-Arab cities are Jews — report", "Over 1,550 suspects arrested in Jewish-Arab rioting", "Israel Police arrested over 2,000 people since Gaza op – 91 percent of them Arab", "Amnesty: 'catalogue of violations' by Israeli police against Palestinians", "Hamas rocket attacks provoke Israeli retaliation in Gaza", "Jerusalem violence leads to rockets, air strikes", "Israel, Hamas Trade Deadly Rocket Strikes as Tensions Mount Over Jerusalem", "Israel Strikes Hamas Targets After Rockets Fired at Jerusalem", "Israeli Military Says Rockets Fired From Gaza Toward Jerusalem", "Massive barrage of 60 rockets fired at Ashkelon, Ashdod; buildings hit", "Hamas Fires Rocket Barrage at Jerusalem as IDF Green Lights Gaza Strikes", "Gaza Militant Group Says 17-Year-Old Killed by Airstrike Was a Member", "IDF: Efforts against Hamas to be known as 'Operation Guardian of the Walls, "1 dead, 3 hurt as 'largest ever' Hamas barrage hits Ashdod, Ashkelon", "Two Israelis dead, over 90 injured after rockets strike Ashkelon, Ashdod", "Woman killed in rocket strike in Rishon Lezion", "מטח לילי כבד למרכז ולדרום, אב ובתו נהרגו ליד לוד", "Gaza tower block destroyed by Israel strike, Hamas fires back 130 rockets at Tel Aviv", "Israeli energy pipeline hit in Gaza rocket attack, sources say", "In widescale airstrikes, Israel hits Gaza police stations, security sites", "2 killed in overnight rocket barrages, IDF retaliating in Gaza", "1 killed, 3 injured as Hamas fires anti-tank missile at Israeli jeep", "הרוג ושני פצועים קשה מירי נ"ט מרצועת עזה", "לוחם נח"ל נהרג מירי נ"ט במהלך פעילות מבצעית", "Footage shows IDF fighter jet shooting down 'suicide drone' launched from Gaza", "Israel's Iron Dome proves successful against Gaza rockets", "Israeli forces destroy Hamas internal security headquarters — report", "Israeli 'air and ground troops' launch offensive on Gaza Strip, army says", "IDF Intelligence hails tactical win in Gaza, can't say how long calm will last", "N12 – התחבולה של צה"ל: כך הותקפו מאות לוחמי חמאס במבצע לילי", "With invasion that wasn't, IDF suspected of duping foreign press to trick Hamas", "IDF says 160 aircraft dropped 450 missiles on Gaza tunnel network", "Israel pounds Gaza to curb Palestinian militants but rockets still fly", "Gaza tower housing Al Jazeera office destroyed by Israeli attack", "Israeli forces demolish media building in Gaza", "Israel strikes Gaza home of Hamas leader, destroys AP office", "Israel strikes destroy Gaza tower housing Al-Jazeera and other media", "Israel-Gaza conflict rages as US envoy visits", "Israel destroys Gaza tower housing AP and Al Jazeera offices", "Israel says Gaza tower it destroyed was used by Hamas to try to jam Iron Dome", Blinken says U.S. received more information on Gaza high-rise bombing, Israeli official rolls back army chief comments on AP Gaza, "Dreams in the Rubble: An Israeli Airstrike and the 22 Lives Lost", "Israeli airstrikes wiped out the family of Gaza's leading doctor.
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