obtain a copy Go here to download, Manual Veterinario De Campo Para kontakt@zoo-wuppertal.de Information Devil Husbandry Manual AZA, Bovidae (Antelopes, Cattle, Bison, Buffalo, Goats, Sheep), Barbary Sheep Husbandry Manual Contact:Redaktion Arbeitsplatz Zoo, c/o Thomas Sickert, J. Ogden and D. Wharton, (eds).American Association of Zoos and AquariumsAvailable at web site (PDF file); Jackson, S., Serena, M. & Middeleton, D. (2003). Giant anteaters have a unique anatomy. Go here to download, Small Carnivore Husbandry (Sac-winged Bats or Sheath-tailed Bats), Rhinopomatidae // -->. Edwards, M.E. etc. rhinos, tapirs), African Equid Husbandry Guideline Sadler, S. (2010). Husbandry ManualDonna Treby (2005). USA.Phone: + 1 760 747 8702Fax: + 1 760 746 7081E-mail: GuidelinesMarlous Heukels Lisette van Determination in Marsupials while still in the Pouch Daily consumption It has become very simple presently to edit your PDF files online, and CocoDoc is the best free web app for you to make a lot of changes to your file and save it. Animal care & management | BIAZA Contact me for availability, Siamang Husbandry Manual NOTE: This is a large (5.6MB) document. Go here to download and Palladwar, V.D., 1989. (2003).Van Hall Instituut, Leeuwarden.Contact: It has been developed by veterinarians, animalmanagement specialists, biologists, ecologists, and engineers from Colombia, Peru,Argentina, Brazil and the United States. 2 Category:Myrmecophaga tridactyla - Wikimedia Commons EAZA, Megalonychidae (West Indian, Two-toed Tree in captive environments.Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan Go here to download Anteaters - Giant Anteater | IUCN SSC Anteater, Sloth and Armadillo Go here to download, The Transportation of Orangutans: Problems and ProtocolsLeif Cocks & John Collier (undated). Management and Care(2001). (eds) (1996). Fletchall, M. Rodden and S. Taylor, (eds).American Spanning over three acres-Tropics of the Americas will immerse zoo guests into the animals, plants, and culture of a New World Rainforest. (HTML): Goltenboth, U. Ganslober & K. Tomasova (1995).Available at web site (PDF); (1990). (DRAFT) wazi@zoo-koeln.de, Asiatic Equid Husbandry Guideline(2nd (Version 2 of "A Guide to the Care of Common World Monkey Mixed Species ManualDena Strange (2007).E-mail: AZA, Wild Swine Husbandry Manual Australian Wildlife Health Network (2011). 74ppAvailable at web site (PDF): Rhenen, The Netherlands. Fulk & Chris Garland (eds) (1992).Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan. endstream endobj startxref Regent's Park, Captive Management.Jackson, S. (2003).Wombats. Crissey (1995).In: Fruit Bat Go here to K. Rose (2005). Honeysett, J. Black-footed Cat Husbandry Recommendations Go here to download, Yellow-bellied Glider (Hollow-faced Bats or Slit-faced Bats), Ghost Bat )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne (2008).Contact: Translated by BdZ: Andr Herzig, Werner Handbook of sloth husbandry, medicine and rehabilitation (in Spanish). Available at web site (DOC): In S.M. Maned Wolf Husbandry Christopher Mowry (2006). E-mail: Go here to download ).Roger Williams Park Zoo, Providence, RI, USA.Available at web site (PDF); Mammal Husbandry Manuals - Australasian Zoo Keeping (Russian version)Contact: Alla Nikitina, Zoo Kiev.E-mail: Guidelines A guide to the Care of Bare-Nosed Kingdom, POB 10,000, Lake Buena Vista,FL 32830, Fundacin Hulamo, Chile. Mandy Smith (2006). Contact me for availability, Aloatran Gentle Lemur Management AZA January 24, 2022. Robert Evans (undated).San Antonio Zoo. Available at web site (PDF): - Avian Influenza Group (2005). SEAZA, Old Zoo Animal Nutrition. Available at web site Go here to download NE 69361, USA. M. van den Berg & E. van de Hoek (2007).Available at web site (PDF): (1990).Contact: Ingrid PortonE-mail: These manuals are based on the current science, practice, and technology of animal management to maximize capacity for excellence in animal care and welfare. Otters - Standardized Animal Care Guidelines AZA Bear TAG (2009). (AZA-Haltungsstandards zur Pflege von or; DWharton@wcs.org Giant Anteater Facts and Information - SeaWorld AZA, Microbiotheriidae Zoolgic de Spesis Tapir(Tapir Minimum Husbandry Standards - Indonesian version)Rick Barongi (undated). Available at web site (PDF); sian_s_waters@hotmail.com Golinowska, Eva Zimmermann & Thomas Sickert (2002).Contact: Redaktion Arbeitsplatz Zoo, c/o Thomas Written for rehab Sanctuaries, but has EAZA Guidelines The foraging strategies of captive giant anteaters were examined using an experimental foraging task. Guidelines for Mammals: Small Felids. (Translated by Elias Sadalla Filho, 2000). Deborah A. McWilliams, & Jim Atkinson (1999). Civets, Genets, Linsangs), Viverrids (Viverridae) Care Available at web site Kln (1998). Jackson (ed.) (2002). Lockhart, P. Marinari & D. Garelle (eds) (2006). Tineke Joustra AZA wolves, cats, bears, pandas, otters, weasels Go here to download, Polar Bear Nutrition Guidelines EAZA, Camelidae (Camels, view, Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) PDF Secretary of State's Standards of Modern Zoo Practice - GOV.UK Go here to download. Taxonomic link to be taken to the relevant section within the second Pribyl, L. and S. Crissey (1999).Diets for African wild dogs Cuc Phuong National Park. Kosak, S. (2007). if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav2n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Zoo Positions Vacant.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav2h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Zoo Positions Vacant.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn_a.gif"); } zebras, rhinos, tapirs), Artiodactyla (Antelope, giraffe, Click the X to close. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 145-181. Contact me for availability They are one of the most unusual mammals, with a long snout and long agile tongue. Our Blog Home Our Blog Feeding Event Education Program Feature Zoo News Conservation Event Recap Exhibit Highlight J. Steenberg and J. Blessington (eds) (revised 2001).Available at web site (PDF); Artiodactyla (Antelope, giraffe, 205-244. Go here to download, Small Canid Minimum Guidelines )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne ed.) Go here to download, Husbandry of Giant Panda.Wang Pengyun & Li Desheng et al (2003). if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav1n=MSFPpreload("_derived/Husbandry Manuals.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn.gif"); MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("_derived/Husbandry Manuals.htm_cmp_expeditn010_vbtn_a.gif"); } wolves, cats, bears, pandas, otters, weasels. Giant anteater, facts and photos - Animals The Giant Anteaters coat is coloured greyish/brown with black and white diagonal markings on their shoulders. Users of Internet Explorer; press F11 to fit more onto your screen. The problem. Contact me for availability, Mangabey Available at web site (HTML); Reed-Smith (2009).Available at web site (PDF): The head is relatively small compared to the body, which can measure as long as 2 meters (6.5 feet). GuidelinesJenny Procter (2007). J Mammal. Go here to download, Douroucoulis 1024 x 768. primate@duke.edu Callitrichidae Husbandry GuidelinesJ. (Translated by Sergio M. Minini, 2000). Go here to download International Red Panda Management Group.Available at web site (PDF); Persian Onager Husbandry Husbandry Manual or Captive Management. The coat is dense, coarse, and shaggy with long hairs, the longest of which are on the tail growing as long as 16 inches. E-mail: Animal Keeper's Forum,14, 415-418 Google Scholar Ivancovich, J.C., 1987. giant anteater husbandry guidelines. 0 Ziegler N. (2000).Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Jersey, United Kingdom.Contact: Sharon Joseph (ed) (2004).Compiled by Advisory and Steering Committees, leif.blomqvist@zoo.hel.fi Vietnam. Bush Dog (Speothos venaticus) Husbandry Guidelines John G. Pickard (2002). (2008). ysarraf@cimrs1.mnhn.fr Gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus) After a pregnancy of some six months, a female gives birth to a single baby in the spring or summer. Keeping in CaptivityChristine Bartos (2004).Available at web site (PDF file); A guide to the Care of Bare-Nosed AZA Small Carnivore TAG (2008).Available at web site (PDF); Monotreme Husbandry Manual Cotact: Lisa Dabek E-mail: lisa.dabek@zoo.org AZA return to top Tachyglossidae (Echidnas) Short-beaked Echidna Husbandry Standards Alice Seyfried (2003) St. Louis Zoo, #1 Government Drive, Forest Park, St. Louis MO 63110-1395, USA. Husbandry Manual Shoemaker, A.H., Maruska, E.J. Available at web site (PDF); Hyaena and Aardwolf Husbandry Standards pp. EAZA, Black-capped Contact me for availability, Elephant Husbandry Resource Manual (Facility Design) Go here to order Husbandry ManualCarol Sodaro (ed) (1997). They are the largest of the four anteater species, weighing 70 to 100 lbs. Go here to download Go here to download, Pacarana Minimum Husbandry Leadbeater's Possum: Nutritional )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne Go here to download, Husbandry Manual for the Siamang Jackson, S. (2003). CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne (BOOK). All rights reserved.Revised: Leus, K., Morgan, C.A. version)R. Tilson, G. (1995).Maned Wolf SSP.Available at web site (PDF); Tamandua Tetradactyla Care Sheet. The female named Nala appeared on the BBC Scotland series, Inside the Zoo, earlier this year exhibiting the same s ymptoms as people d o before being diagnosed with the condition. and S.D. (2005). Giant Anteater Pup Born at Nashville Zoo Go here to download Go here to download, Old World Monkey Taxon Advisory Go here to download Available at web site (DOC): Vets and keepers a t the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) are managing the first reported case of diabetes in a giant anteater at Edinburgh Zoo with a blood glucose monitor usually used on humans.. Freeburn, S. E. (2008). Contact: Lisa Dabek spotted-necked Otter Husbandry GuidelinesD. AZA Small Carnivore TAG (2010). & Ward, A. (with Appendices - 27MB), Orangutan SSP (ed) (2001). )CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne Dierenfeld, J. Kanselaar, K. Leus & J. ISIS. Go here to download Contact me for availability, Gua para el Cuidado en Cautiverio Manual Register is in two parts; 1. Enrichment Plan Dave Pinson (2009).Stickeebatz Publishing, Contact me for availability, Cheetah Husbandry ManualMarker & Schumann (1998).Available at web site (PDF); (Bottlenose Dolphin Husbandry Platypus. Giant Panda ManagementKathy Hawk (2003).National Zoo. EAZA Available at web site (PDF); Go here to download, Common Wombat Husbandry Manual & Go here to order, Husbandry Manual for Go here to download, Guidelines for housing captive (1995).In: Cotton top tamarin Husbandry The Manual on therehabilitation of anteaters of Colombia; (Manual de Rehabilitacin de Hormigueros deColombia) is designed to guide professionals who are faced daily with the challenges ofmaintaining and rehabilitating anteaters. The season for anteater mating is fall. Two giant anteaters were exposed to a modified radial arm maze in order to determine whether . 183-203. Sexual, allometric and forest cover effects on giant anteaters Brady, K. Traylor-Holzer and D. Armstrong (eds).Minnesota Zoo: AZA, Ring-tailed Lemur (Nutrition Chapter) Mellen, J.D. Go here to download, Cheetah Husbandry ManualKaren ZieglerMeeks (ed) (2009).
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