Week 2. To bring together advanced social science scholars from the University of So Paulo, the rest of Brazil, other countries in Latin America, and the broader world in such a way as to create broad research networks that can stimulate the exchange of ideas, techniques and advanced methods across national and sub-disciplinary boundaries. Below you will find a listing of CISE courses and their respective syllabi. Generous support for the Summer School was provided by the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES), the University of So Paulo, FAPESP, IPSOS, IPSA, the Centro de Estudos da Metrpole (CEM), and the Brazilian Association of Political Science (ABCP). Courses in the _900-999 series are not automatically transferable, and must be evaluated individually. University of So Paulo, Brazil They were invited to submit papers, of which 58 did so and participated in the final school. Classes I took at the IPSA-USP Summer School were tailored exactly to my needs: Over two weeks, I took one class in interview research and one class in survey . GPA 4.4-4.6 SAT 1350-1490 ACT 30-34 GPA Recalculation Process The above range represents the core, weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale that UF calculates as part of the evaluation process. The listing of prefixes and associated numbers is referred to as the SCNS taxonomy. Using Process-Tracing (Derek Beach, Aarhus University), Week 1. In 2011, the Seminars addressed the following themes: Is political behavior biological?; Variable polls across variable places: the validity of survey research across boundaries; "The quest for causal inference - recent developments in the social sciences"; and Descriptive-causal generalizations: 'empirical laws' in the social sciences?". A cooperative partnership between the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the University of So Paulos Department of Political Science and Institute of International Relations, the School welcomed 204 students enrolled in 13 courses from 62 institutions in 17 countries, with women accounting for 50% of the student body. Critical Dates 2021. The Summer School received 87 students coming from 35 different institutions in 10 different countries. Survey Experiments (Mark Pickup, Simon Fraser University) Each workshop had an average of 12 students, along with intensive interactions and discussions with faculty. Causal Inference and Experiments: Florian Foos (London School of Economics, UK), Mark Pickup (Simon Fraser University, Canada) and Jonathan Phillips (University of So Paulo, Brazil) 3. You will also find updates on the status of each summer school, including if they will be converted to a virtual or live event. Designing Comparative Research (Allyson Benton -City, University of London) Classes I took at the IPSA-USP Summer School were tailored exactly to my needs: Over two weeks, I took one class in interview research and one class in survey design, the tools and insights from which I used extensively during my field research. 328 student-modules were completed in 23 one-week courses. Stata and Nvivo provided software licensing for the computer laboratories. Week 1 of the methodological track will take place from January 13 to 17, 2020. If you register for a summer A/B/C course that is a prerequisite for a course you wish to take in the fall, you can add the fall course yourself via ONE.UF. University of So Paulo, Brazil. Be sure to Like the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ipsamethodssummerschoolbrazil, Local Organization Committee UF could return to a pre-pandemic world with the start of the Summer B 2021 semester. During six of our ten nights together, students were also invited to participate in an Evening Lecture Series that was open to the public. The construction of Puerto Ricos identity through his essaysShakespeare: stage and politicsSimone de Beauvoir: far beyond The Second Sex.Registration for Group 2 begins this Saturday (28th) and runs until February 29th. Students were also invited to participate in four lunch-hour information sessions titled (respectively) Writing Effectively About Scientific Research; Academic Careers in Political Science and International Relations in Brazil: Reflections on the Discipline; Graduate Studies Abroad; and Publication Strategies. Four seminars were also promoted in conjunction with the Summer School: The Epistemological Foundations of the Social Sciences; New Developments in Data Collection and Dissemination for Brazil; The Fundamentals of Doing Political Science Research: Recent Books in Methods for Political Sciences; and The Cases of the most Recent US and French elections. It also included four informational sessions during lunch times, on the subjects of Careers Outside of Academia; Visiting Scholar and Post Doc Positions Abroad; Graduate Studies Abroad; and, Publication Strategies". Generous support for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Summer Schools was provided by the IPSA, by the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES), by the University of So Paulo, by FAPESP and by the Centro de Estudos da Metrpole (CEM). Questions about the accreditation of the University of Florida may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling 404-679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC's website (www.sacscoc.org). Contemporary public discourse is teeming with issues of urgent moral concern. Two most important data collection methods that I was going to use were interviews and a special survey with local election candidates. 1- Comparative research design and configurational comparative methods (Professor Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University Marburg), 2- Mixed methods design (Prof. Max Bergman, University of Basel), 3- Comparative survey design (Prof. Bruno Cautrs, Sciences Po, Paris), 4- The experimental approach to political science research (Prof. Rebecca Morton, New York University), 5- Textual analysis (Prof. Rainer Schmidt, Martius Chair of European and German Studies, University of So Paulo; and Prof. Matthias Hastall, University of Augsburg), 6- Multiple regression analysis (Prof. For example, a freshman composition skills course is offered by 59 different postsecondary institutions. Process-Tracing (Derek Beach, Aarhus University) For the first time, the School also hosted a meet the author session with Guy Whitten to celebrate the Portuguese book launch of the Fundamentals of Doing Political Science Research (co-authored with Paul Kellstedt). Consult the UF Schedule of Courses for official class times and locations and an explanation of the class period abbreviations.. Summer 2022 Lower Division (1000-2000) Courses. We have no doubt that this goal was fully accomplished. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. 1 General Education Codes: January 8-26, 2018University of So Paulo. The IPSA-USP Summer School and Society for Political Methodology (Polmeth) Prize in Methodology was awarded to Natalia de Paula Moreira (So Paulo) for her poster on Bias and Efficiency Gains in Compositional Dependent Variables in Static and Dynamic Scenarios. The IPSA-USP Summer School and International Political Science Association (IPSA) Prize in Applied Methodology was awarded to Leonardo da Rocha Loures Bueno from the Fundao Getlio Vargas for his poster on Retrospective Voting in Brazil: Short and Long-term Effects of So Paulo's Smart Card Policy. The IPSA-USP Summer School and International Political Science Association (IPSA) Prize in Applied Methodology (honorable mention) was awarded to Thiago de Oliveira Meireles (So Paulo) for his poster titled Do Political Parties Matter for Subnational International Activities? Week 3. Students were also invited to participate in two Late-Afternoon Lectures titled Global Justice: Problems of a Cosmopolitan Account (Prof. Herlinde Pauer-Studer) and Evaluating a local area crime reduction scheme using a quasi-experimental design: The case of no cold calling zones in Cambridgeshire, England (Prof. Robert Haining). Home; Academics; . Essentials of Time Series Analysis for Time Series Cross-Section Analyses (Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Guy Whitten, Texas A&M University) It also served as a useful means of introducing students to other instructors research and methods. So, how is one to begin? Comparative Historical Analysis (Matthew Lange, McGill University) The Summer School is led by the Department of Political Science (DCP) at the University of So Paulo. University of FloridaGainesville, FL 32611UF Operator: (352) 392-3261Website text-only version. The following one-week modules were offered: Students also participated in the following four information sessions: research funding opportunities in Brazil; publishing academic research for maximum impact on shaping public policy; achieving success in graduate school; and SAGE Research Methods Online Resources. Times and locations of class meetings are subject to change. Today! Gary King, Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor at Harvard University, and Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, delivered his keynote address How the News Media Activate Public Expression and Influence National Agendas on Wednesday, January 16. Description: In this course, students will explore and investigate how myriad Spaces and Places around the world shape our lives, express who we are, and who we want to be. 22-26 February 2021. Advanced Time Series Cross-Section Analyses (Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Andrew Q, Philips, University of Colorado), Week 1. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information. The program is divided into thematic areas. Making Causal Critiques (Jonathan Phillips, University of So Paulo), Week 1. Studentsexaminequestions that aredifficult to answer and hard to ignore ina world that isswiftly changingand becoming increasingly more complex. During week two, John B. Londregan, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, delivered the 10th Anniversary Distinguished Lecture on Regime Type and the Extensive and Intensive Margins of Trade. In week three, Mark Pickup (Simon Fraser) delivered the 10th Anniversary Distinguished Late-Afternoon Seminar on "Balance as a Pre-Estimation Test for Longitudinal Analysis." We will be announcing and confirming additional programs over the next few weeks. Stata provided software licensing for the computer laboratories. Glauco Peres da Silva, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, 10th Annual IPSA-USP Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations Case study methodology small-n research designs (Prof. Derek Beach, University of Aarhus, Denmark), 8. Gainesville, FL 32611, Student Services: p. 352-392-1090 Political, Workshops designed and led by top international professors, Courses in methodology for Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, Morning classes 9am-12pm; Afternoon labs 2pm-6pm. 2022-23 Academic YearUndergraduate Cost of Attendance. Format:Format: Sections meet in the classroom four days per week for a total of four periods (75 minutes per period): Monday and Wednesday for lectures, delivered by the head instructor, and Tuesday and Thursday for discussions led by a graduate teaching assistant. The Summer School was also supported by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CEM) and the Center for Comparative and International Studies (NECI) at the University of So Paulo. Students met each day for classes in their specific courses, with many instructors lecturing in the morning hours and then conducting computer labs, group exercises, or study sessions in the afternoons. All those approved, with a minimum attendance of 75%, will receive certificates. Behavioral games and strategies in politics (Prof. Rebecca Morton, New York University), 5. Some Quest 1 courses may also fulfill either the Diversity (D)or the International (N) requirement and/or count toward the Writing requirement. The Summer School is a partnership between the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the Department of Political Science (DCP) and the Institute for International Relations (IRI) at the University of So Paulo. To further consolidate the effort to establish a Summer School in Latin America that can serve as a global center for the propagation of advanced methods and techniques in political science research. Box 116120, Mixed methods design (Prof. Max Bergman, University of Basel), 3. The class is thus for students from any major who want to explore public moral challenges in rigorous, creative ways. Instagram post 17874397145211529. Non-Repeatable Courses Submitting Manuscripts for Upper-Level Undergraduate CRW Courses 4008 Turlington Hall P.O. Throughout the programme, you'll join other participants on extracurricular activities designed to highlight and develop topics presented in class. I think that it is very important to keep learning throughout ones professional career and the IPSA-USP courses are the best, the easiest and the most valuable source for methodological updating., I attended the IPSA-USP Summer School in 2018, before defending my dissertation prospectus and going to Tunisia for field research. Allyson Benton (CIDE) and Andrew Q. Philips (University of Colorado Boulder) presented their paper entitled Do Trump's Policy Tweets Matter to Mexican Financial Markets? Rafael Martins de Souza (FGV-CERI), Lus Felipe Guedes da Graa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) and Ralph dos Santos Silva (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) presented their recently published article on Politics on the Web: Using Twitter to Estimate the Ideological Positions of Brazilian Representatives. Jonathan Phillips, currently a visiting researcher at CEPESP, Fundao Getulio Vargas and the Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, served as the discussant. Fundamentals of Time Series Cross-Section Analyses (Lorena Barberia, University of So Paulo and Guy Whitten Texas A&M University) 2. Course number(s): CIS4930 In the second week, Guy D. Whitten presented a seminar entitled The Dynamic Pie Project: TheoryMethods with Dynamic Compositional Data. In the third week, a panel discussion on gender and methods was held with the participation of Derek Beach (University of Aarhus), Allyson Benton (CIDE), Melani Cammett (Harvard University), and Jason Seawright (Northwestern University). In 2012, two seminars were devoted to examining Voting and elections, one seminar was focused on examining The state of the discipline and one seminar on Globalization and the economic crisis. Some of UF's face-to-face courses, which begin June 28, will return back to normal capacity levels,. Quest courses examine questions about the human condition that are difficult to answer and hard to ignore. January 14-February 1, 2019. The university is not responsible for information obtained through Internet links from this catalog to other websites. A hybrid model of spatial evaluations was delivered by Laron Williams. Prof. Mathew Taylor, Local Organization Committee, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo. The International Seminar program was very popular, bringing together both Summer School students and the local academic community in numbers that frequently surpassed 100 people. Thus, I am especially grateful to organizers that they constantly gathered us at so many extracurricular events: almost every day we were able to attend talks on academic skills, on projects done by prominent and young scholars, we were visiting centers at the USP, we were interacting with teachers of other courses and even getting their feedback on our research during the poster session. Course Section Course Title / Syllabus Instructor(s) BSC2005: BSC2005 - Biological Sciences for Non-Majors: Dr. Nicole Geralch: BSC2005L: . African and Asian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Akan | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Amharic | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Arabic | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Chinese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Czech | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Dial Center for Written and Oral Communication, Dutch | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Education | School of Human Development and Organizational Studies, Education | School of Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies, Education | School of Teaching and Learning, Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, French | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, German | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Haitian Creole | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Hebrew | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Hindi-Urdu | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Information Systems and Operations Management, Italian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Japanese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Korean | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Media Production, Management, and Technology, Polish | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Portuguese | Spanish and Portuguese Studies, Russian | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Swahili | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, Vietnamese | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Wolof | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Xhosa | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Yoruba | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Computer & Information Science & Engineering, Hindi-Urdu | Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Authority for Acceptance of Equivalent Courses, Exceptions to the General Rule for Equivalency, Courses at Non-regionally Accredited Institutions, Lower (Freshman) Level at this institution, Courses not offered by the receiving institution, For courses at non-regionally accredited institutions, courses offered prior to the established transfer date of the course in question. Welcome to Course Search. Summer A & C registration ends May 7, 5:00 p.m. Summer A & C drop/add ends May 11, 5:00 p.m. Summer B registration ends July 2, 5:00 p.m. Information shown in italics is subject to confirmation. This report is updated monthly. Instagram post 17888408410982237. . University of Florida 241 Williamson Hall PO Box 112120 Gainesville, FL 32611-2120 P: 352-392-2231 F: 352-392-9294 info@geology.ufl.edu. Truly amazing experience that you will always wish to repeat., For me, the IPSA-USP summer school in 2019 meant the possibility of taking classes with the leading specialists in political methodology. Together, these public sector research funding institutions have been long-time supporters of the Summer School and invaluable to its success. Special topics courses provide an opportunity for in-depth study of topics not offered elsewhere and of topics of current significance. Prof. Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Executive Director, Prof. Eduardo Marques, Local Organization Committe, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, Prof. Leandro Piquet Carneiro, Local Organization Committee, Institute for International Relations, University of So Paulo, Prof. Lorena Barberia, Local Organization Committe, Department of Political Science, University of So Paulo, Prof. Daniela Schetini, Local Organization Committee, Institute for International Relations, University of So Paulo, Prof. Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Philipps University Marburg, Germany, Prof.Derek Beach, Universtity of Aarhus, Denmark, Prof. Simon Jackman, Stanford University, USA, Prof. Peter Rosendorff, New York University, Prof.Iaki Sagarzazu, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK, Prof. Applied courses in the performing arts (Art, Dance, Interior Design, Music and Theatre) and skills courses in Criminal Justice (academy certificate courses) are not guaranteed as transferable. Courses were offered in a variety of quantitative and qualitative fields: Once again, students were invited to participate in four information sessions titled (respectively) Preparing for a Career in Political Science; Graduate Studies in the U.S. and the U.K.; Early Career Challenges; and Publishing.. A late-afternoon seminar on Studying the Political Behavior of American Billionaires: A Multi-Method Approach was delivered by Jason Seawright. Additionaly to the courses, the Summer School offered special activities. Jointly organized by the University of So Paulos Department of Political Science and Institute of International Relations and the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the Summer School is recognized as a leading program providing basic and advanced training in a range of methodologies and techniques.
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