WebJackson County is located in the western portion of the U.S. state of Missouri, on the border with Kansas.As of the 2020 census, the population was 717,204. making it the second-most populous county in the state (after St. Louis County in the east). he had been a resident of the Coast for sixty years, the greater part of which was spent at Pascagoula. The funeral was held yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock from the residence of Charles E. Clark, interment being in Evergreen cemetery. James G. Galloway. Davis, W. E. The sheriff further stated that the dead man did not have $50 on his person as it was said that he borrowed $15 the afternoon he was shot. Privacy Policy May He who marks the sparrow's fall comfort you in this sad bereavement. WebOliver O.J. Walker, Mrs. W. Scranton, Miss., March 6 - Felix Ladnier, a well-known and respected citizen of Scranton, died yesterday morning at his residence in Magnolia Street age 42 years. Pioneer Resident of Pascagoula Dies Jackson County Cemeteries at MS GenWeb Archives Besides these she leaves thirty-two grandchildren, fifty-six great-grandchildren, and seven great-great-grandchildren. (UPI) - William M. Colmer, 90, whose 40 years in congress epitomized Southern political conservatism, died Tuesday in a Pascagoula hospital after an extended illness. Little Celeste Havens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havens, at Vancleave, died Monday, August 27, 1900, at 8 o'clock a.m. She was taken sick Saturday night and suffered untold misery until the time of her death; aged 7 yeas, 3 months and 19 days. [Daily Herald, February 10, 1913 - Transcribed by AFOFG] These typically include the deceaseds immediate family members and legal representatives. The officer was shot several times Wednesday afternoon on the citys Southwest Side, CPD Superintendent David Brown said. Florence, William He was born at Pass Christian. Previous to the late war, he was Professor of Tactics in the University of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and Commandant of the Corps of Cadets of that place. Guardian Angels Funeral Home Obituaries in Pascagoula, MS John, An English Stowaway His funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from the late residence at 1 o'clock with burial in the Fort Bayou cemetery, and services under the suspices of the Baptist church. Krebs, Joseph Ellison His funeral took place Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock proceeding from his late residence to Our Lady of Victories Church, and from thence to the Catholic cemetery at the beach. He was one of the popular men in the county. She was a member of the baptist church of Scranton, was a consistent Christian, and died in the faith of a believer in jesus. About 30 years ago he began to develop a small piece of property in the town limits and by putting this into a seedling orchard and topgrafting the trees as fast as he could, he found the results very encouraging. [Daily Herald[Bilox, Mississippi], September 16, 1939, page 4 - Transcribed By AFOFG] Funeral services will be held at the home of Mr. Gray this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. The remains were sent to Pascagoula for interment. Mr. Cooley was in his forty-eighth year, and is survived by his wife. R. L. Vaughn. Pascagoula, Miss., Aug. 9 - Miss Lizzie W. O'Connel died late yesterday at her home in South Pascagoula. [Democrat Star - July 9, 1886] http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/19,816,166.html#Jackson. Its remains were brought back here for interment, Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Devereaux, 59, native of Fort Bayou and a resident of Moss Point for 20 years, died at the family residence on River Road Friday afternoon at 2:50 o'clock following an illness of several months. Mrs. Savage early became a devout Christian, uniting with the Methodist chruch. In 1880 he went to St. Louis where he engaged in the jewelry business. Word came through the chief telephone operator here, Miss Alice Connelly, who was in Pascagoula yesterday. Dec. 28, at the residence of his brother Col. Melancthon, Mr. Chandler S. Smith of Mobile, Ala. The shooting of Lisica, which resulted fatally, is somewhat of a mystery. [Democrat Star - Feb. 1, 1884] 45, I. O. O. F. He is survived by his wife, several borthers and a number of grandchildren. Died Chas. Surviving him are three sisters, four sons, and other relatives. Rev. Biloxi, August 28. N.O. He died Monday afternoon at 2:40 o'clock and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and interment made in the cemetery at Pascagoula. He is survived by his wife and nine children, two sons and seven daughters and a number of grand-children. Pascagoula, Miss., May 24. Mrs. Chris Nelson, aged 68, died here yesterday after a short illness. [Star of Pascagoula, December 25, 1875 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Browse Obituaries and Death Records in Jackson, Mississippi. Pascagoula, Sept. 9. Johnson, Captain Charles G. Death Notices (death date not listed) and Obituaries are from free online newspapers & free obits sites for research. ; C. D. Perkinston; Jos. A large foo track is found back of the church. [Gulfport Daily Herald (Gulfport, Mississippi), Volume 11, Issue 7, Page 4, October 11, 1910 - Transcribed By AFOFG] Miss O'Connel was a native of Limerick, Ireland, and was 80 years of age. [Adams Senteniel Published August 23, 1852 - Transcribed by Therman Kellar] Deceased was 63 years of age and had been an invalid for years. These can include Jackson County death certificates, local and She is survived by three sons, Royal R. Joseph and Mary Brewton, and two daughters, Mrs. E. L. Gentry and Mrs. E. T. Hillburg, of this city, one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Reeder, and three brothers George Eutrekin, Captain John Eutrekin of Biloxi, Miss., and Captain J. E. Entrekin, of Mobile, and one sister-in-law, Mrs. E. Entrekin, at Waynesboro, Miss, and a large family connection. Gautier, Laura The remains of the young man were taken in charge by relatives abd the funeral was held this afternoon with interment in the family burying grouns (sic) near the Byrd place. She was born at Escatawpa, Miss., Dec. 31, 1856, and was the mother of the following children: Henry Colmer, who lives in Burmingham, Ala., Leon and Marvin Colmer of Moss Point, Ed Colmer, also of Birmingham, Willie Colmer, who has been attending Millsaps College, and Misses Maude, Eva, Irma and Anna Colmer. The whole community is excited. Soon after the close of the war he married Miss betty Taylo, the daughter of the illustrious General; thus crowning his military career with the most signal evidence of the confidence and affection of his commander, who also constituted him his private secretary when elected to the Presidency, which he filled for so brief a period. He was well and favorably known and made many friends before he retired from business some years ago. She was the daughter of Captain W. C. Davidson, who came to Louisiana as a volunteer in the gallant Tennessee corps that did such heroic work under General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans in 1815. He was a delegate at large from Alabama to the national Democratic conventions in 1892 and 1904. [Daily Herald (Biloxi, MS), Volume XI, Issue 70, Page 10, November 7, 1908 - Transcribed by AFOFG] A little daughter six years of age and the innocent boy babe are left to the care of the father, and to sustain a loss which they cannot now appreciate. Troy Suggs Funeral Home 7623 Military Pkwy. [Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), Page 10, July 21, 1915 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Budro, Silveran Johnson arrived today from Hot Springs, Ark. She formerly resided in New Orleans but she made her home here for thirty years. Bullock, Mrs. Odelia Oden, Alex G. His life was that of a consistent christian. Henry, Ewin WebMichaila Franklin Gunman in fatal drive-by shooting caught on camera 1 HR Share Jackson, MS 39269 68 F Feels like 68F Fair 2% View Interactive Radar By Isabel Davis Wednesday Morning Webcast 1 HR Doctor: Shocking number of rural hospitals on brink financially WAPT Jackson residents march to end gun violence in the capital city WAPT Interment will be in the Biloxi cemetery, arrangements for which have not yet been completed. According to the Jackson County coroner, Shantel Toro was shot multiple times and killed on Morning View Drive in Moss Point. Mar 1, 2023. Let us weep not, but look and press on, as we will meet little "Lessie" on the bright and happy shore where parting never comes. The sheriff stated that he had information that Lisica was shot by a man whom he is alleged to have insulted. Devereaux, Mrs. Emma Tootle, Vancleave; four daughters, Mrs. J. L. Carter, Meridian; Mrs. Ernest Martin, Gautier; Mrs. Emma Davidson, Big Point; Mrs. His children are Eugene Frank Tribio Castanera of Biloxi, Clarence Castanera of Long Beach, Mrs. C. W. Barnett of Mobile and Mrs. Mack Watkins of Moss Point. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 12 - Rufus Napoleon Rhodes, proprietor and editor of the Birmingham News, died this morning at 6 o'clock after a lengthy illness with Bright's disease and arterial trouble. Smith, Chandler S. he was 89 years of age and served in the Civil War as a Confederate soldier. On last Friday at 10:30 o'clock p.m., Major Thomas W. Grayson, of Ocean Springs, answered the last roll call and entered into eternal rest at the age of 79 years. T. W. Ellis [Pascagoula Democratic Star, May 14, 1885 - Submitted by AFOFG] Canptain Castanera was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of the Coast and had a large circle of admiring friends and relatives. Ben Cauley survived the crash and James Alexander was not on the plane. [Democrat Star - June 4, 1886] JACKSON, Miss. [Democrat Star - Jan. 18, 1884] Carl O'neal Lightning Victim Mrs. Laura E. Ratcliff and Lisa (Leonard) Trusler, Pascagoula, Miss., grandchildren: Dylan and Jade Bloodsworth, Logan and J. T. Martin, and a host of nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles and many friends and his children's mother, Sheila Diana Martin of Pascagoula. Florence, Joseph Haynes, Mrs. Roger B. O'Neal, and was very popular with those living in that section. other records. On Tuesady of last week Mr. Henry Slater, living between this place and Moss Point fell dead at the butcher pen of Mr. Allman, near Scranton, wher he had gone, as was his habit, to drink blood of butchered animals with the hope of curing him of consumption, from which disease he was a sufferer. WebJackson died eight days later in the hospital. Vital Records consist of births, adoptions, marriages, divorces, and deaths recorded on registers, certificates, and documents. He was born in Washington county, Ala., October 21, 1831, and moved to Mississippi at the early age of 10 years. Mrs. W. Walker, aged 23 years, of Pascagoula, died this morning at 6 o'clock in an infirmary in Mobile. [Daily Herald (Biloxi, MS), October 31, 1908, Volue XI, Issue 64, Page 9 - Transcribed By AFOFG] Old Soldier Dead - (Special) - Died in this citythis morning at 5:10 o'clock Mrs. Eugene Eleanor Smith, nee Davidson, aged 27 years. [Democrat Star - May 2, 1884] Wilkerson, Joseph Elisha On March 15 at Vancleave there occurred the death of Mrs. J. W. Westfall, a prominent citizen in that section of Jackson county, following an illness of sometime. Pascagoula Obituaries She resided here for several years nd many old friends and acquaintances sorrow over her passing. The accident happened near the home of S. R. byrd and caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood. [Gulfort Daily Herald (Gulfport, MS), Volume XXII, Issue 252, Page 6, June 7, 1920 - Transcribed By AFOFG Malary White, Chief Communications Officer for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), said the death happened in Yazoo County. [Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA), Page 6, March 10, 1914 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Havens, Celeste The shooting took place on the outskirts of Pascagoula. Mr. Krebs was educated in the private schools of his native town, and by private tutors at home. Boyer, Mary E. [Daily Georgian, April 2, 1829 - Transcribed BY AFOFG] She was born August 31, 1949, in Betty Sue Susie Kopf died at home on February 25, 2023, holding hands with her husband and daughter. Judge Henry C. Havens Dead At Gautier, Miss. Records and Obituaries at Mississippi Miss Louise Isabel McInnis, an estimable lady of Scranton, died in that place on Saturday last, and was buried at Ocean Springs on Sunday. Mrs. Anna Nelson Dead Pascagoula, Miss., May 23. - Mrs. J. Webgun deaths in Mississippi, including 64 children and teens (ages 0-19) 52% Homicides comprised more than half of all gun deaths 43% Suicides comprised more than 2/5 of all gun deaths 84% of gun death victims were male 2nd highest gun death rate in the country in 2019 GUN DEATHS BY INTENT, 2019 R. L. Walton, Methodist pastor of Moss Point. 1020 did not have a singular plan to address the crime in Jackson. Fathers B. O'Reilly and M. J. Corey officiating at the services, and was attended by a host of friends from this city and from other coast and interior cities in the vicinity. Recently he had been spending his winters at Vero Beach, Fla., where he owned a citrus grove. [Daily Herald (Biloxi, MS), Volume IX, Issue 12, Page 4, August 29, 1906 - Transcribed By AFOFG] [Biloxi Herald, March 6, 1897 - Transcribed by AFOFG] J. F. Brock, pastor of the Baptist Church in Moss Point, and assisted at the grave by Rev. YAZOO CITY, Miss. Captain Castanera is survived by his widow, six children, and sixteen grandchildren. [Gulfport Daily Herald (Gulfport, MS), Volume XXI, Issue 57, Page 3, October 21, 1918 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Montamat, Prof. A. J. The deceased was an estimablelady, loved by many and respected by all. ), October 02, 1920] She is survived by 10 children. These are not all the deaths for Jackson County. Gamblin, Daniel M. We deeply sympathize with the sorrowing parents and children, but they grieve not as those who have no hope.Look up, sorrowing friends, for the time will come when you will meet your loved and lost never more to be separated. Good Woman of Scranton, Miss., Passes Away Ms. Cathy Jackson was born on December 15, 1956 and passed away on February 25, 2023. The body will be interred at White Plains cemetery six miles to the west of Florala. Funeral arrangements have not been completed pending word from grandson in the Army. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. Dot was born March 9, Tanner, Mr. John Mitchell Infant Smith, Captain John - Miss Laura Gautier, a native of Havre, France, after a long illness died this morning at the residence of her nephew, Adam Gautier. Ocean Springs, Oct. 24. He leaves three sons and three daughters, all of whom are grown. Obituaries, today, The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 p.m. from the with services at the church by Rev. Moss Point, July 11. Hurley, Melville Scranton, Nov. 3. POWERED BY. He leaves a wife and two children who reside in Mobile, a mother, two sisters and one brother reside here, and a sister that resides at Three Rivers, Miss. Lisica, Frank Grant, Elmer He is survived by his widow, mother, a sister and a brother. including obituaries, Mississippi Death Records at MS Genealogy Trails She was the daughter of Capt. [Daily Herald, August 4, 1913 Transcribed by AFOFG] Mr. Sheen was a native of New Orleans, his relatives residing there. Clifford, Mrs. George T Findings are then reported to the State Health Department, and the State Medical Examiner in Jackson, MS. Future planned additions to this section will be a missing persons description database. JACKSON, Miss. The Jackson County Death Records Search (Mississippi) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Jackson County public records. Miss Gautier was an only sister of the late Fernando Gautier of West Pascagoula and of August and Aime Gautier of New Orleans. He was appointed collector of customs by President Taft and held office until it was abolished and made part of the Mobile office.. Mrs. Odelia Bulock, 61 years old, wife of T. E. Bullock, a native and lifelong resident of Jackson County, died at her home north of Ocean Springs Tuesday at 1:10 p.m. She is survived by her husband; five sons, E. J. Bulock(sic), W. E. Bullock, E. W. Bullock, Mobile, William Bullock and Monroe Bullock, Ocean Springs; three daughters, Mrs. Clifton Seymour, Ocean Springs; Mrs. Wallace Kennedy, Nokomis, Fla.; Mrs. Alden Husley, Cedar Lake; three brothers, James, Vincent, and Wilson Noble, Ocean Springs; four sisters, Mrs. Gussie Fountain, and Mrs. Arthur Caldwell, Biloxi, Mrs. Peter Seymour, Ocean Springs, Mrs. Armand Garlotte, Gautier; and 15 grandchildren. Pascagoula, August 4 - Mrs. Jane Valverde, nee Davidson, died at the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. J. Y. Morgan, in this city yesterday, aged 92 years. Since the loss of her husband on 1998 and the beginning of Alzheimer's, she has remained in the south. Mr. Florence was 82 years of age and had made Pascagoula his home for the past number of years. Frank Lisica, who was shot from ambush in Pascagoula on Monday night, died in the Providence Infirmary in Mobile yesterday morning. Mississippi death records, or Mississippi death certificates, are extremely important legal document. He has been sick several months. The funeal took place Saturady afternoon and the interment was made in the Pascagoula cemetery. She became ill on Tuesday, last week, and toward the latter part of her illness had the attention of four physicians and, always, the most careful nurses. - Leo Scharff, age 52 years, a prominent jewish merchant of this city, died at his home here Sunday afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock. J.N. Mr. Tom Haley, a young man of fine promise and good family was killed at Moss Point, Miss Sunday by the accidental discharge of his pistol. Died Killed in a log cabin accident, three colored men, Wash Williams, George Williams and Nelson Robbison, on Thursday night, Jan. 17, 1884, on Bluff Creek. Interment was in the Fort Bayou Cemetery near Vancleave. Gautier; and sam of Pascagoula; two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Miss Agnes I. Crosbie, an estimable young lady of Moss point, died in that place, on Sunday last. Cloudy skies early with scattered thunderstorms developing late. McInnis, Dan R. Savage in 1866. She joined the Methodist Episcopal Church South with her husband the 20th of May 1894. At Pascagoula, Miss, February 20, 1886, Mrs. Elizabeth Farragut, wife of Celestine Dupont, aged 26 years. PO Box 344. Wilson, Capt. Mr. I.C. [Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, AL), Volume LXXX, Issue 69, Page 2, March 10, 1909 - Transcribed by AFOFG] She said a tree fell on a vehicle. The grave was covered by numerous handsome floral offerings. He was born in Johnson County, Ill., February 28, 1850, removing to Godfrey, Ill., early in life where he grew to manhood. Sabra Isabella Bilbo was born in Jackson county, Miss., April 19, 1857, and died Nov. 28, 1878, therefore was 21 years, 7 months and 9 days old. The remains were taken to Pascagoula this morning for interment, the funeral being held upon the arrival of the train leaving here at 9:45 in that city. [Pascagoula Democrat Star, August 31, 1888 - Transcribed by AFOFG] Died Mrs. Lucy W. Irwin, mother of Dr. H. Shannon's wife, died at Dr. Shannon's place, a few miles from here, last Sat.
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