Can you recalla time when you identified an opportunity to improve efficiency at work? What was the biggest factor in how you ranked your programs? Another gave me four days before hand but it was a large case and they wanted a full presentation/SOAP of 3 problems. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Do you feel your academic record accurately reflects your abilities and skills? - *Want a more individualized experience* Tell me about a difficult situation you encountered with another health professional. Is there a project you worked on that you are most proud of? - Purposefully avoided secure chat Roles of a Pharmacist in a Hospital Pharmacy, The University of Texas College of Pharmacy: Surviving the Residency Application Process, Wilkes University College of Pharmacy: Interview Questions, General Surgery Residency Interview Questions. What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? For a couple interviews last year I actually wrote hand written thank you notes (and would not recommend- makes zero sense and takes a ton of time and you never know if they will actually get to the right person). When theyre speaking, try to genuinely listen to what theyre saying (instead of sitting there blank-faced trying to come up with your own answer). What was your most favorite class in pharmacy school? Consider preparing for some of these questions: If you were stranded on an island and you could only have 3 drugs with you, which ones would you pick and why? Can you recall a time when you identified an opportunity to improve efficiency at work? o Operate at the fringe of my licensure. Is there a project you worked on that you are most proud of? Are there any projects you would prefer not to work on as a pharmacy resident? To elaborate the idea in sentence 3 , the student could They want to get an idea of your thought process and figure out if youre willing to learn. Why? But again, if you dont send thank you emails, I sincerely doubt that it will go against you (I mean Id be shocked if it did- if anyone has experience to say otherwise then please let me know). DONT stress about getting every question exactly right! Can you describe a time when you made a substantial impact on a patients care? Musical Chairs & The ABCs of SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies, A Comparison Of Paxlovid Versus Molnupiravir: The First Oral COVID Antivirals, Five Things For Pharmacists To Know About The Omicron Variant, Molnupiravir The New COVID Antiviral Named After Thors Hammer, Having a basic idea how you will answer potential questions (listed below), Contemplating how thespecific program matches with your unique professional goals, Reviewing information about the program that is available online, Answer the entire question being asked and in sufficient detail for the interviewers to understand your response, Anticipate that you should explain your answer if it is a yes or no type question, Ask for clarification or for the question to be repeated if you do not understand it, Avoidguessing if you get clinical questions you do not know the answer to it is better to say you are not sure and will get back to the person asking the question, rather than get it wrong. o Lifelong learning o Specialize Job Interview Questions and Answers - Jordan Smith 2019-11-05 Must be eligible to obtain TX license if not already in hand. The purpose is to kind of simulate if you were asked clinical questions on rounds, by nurses, preceptors, etc. Can you tell us about your support system outside of school/work? Review the residency program structure in advance. If your patient asks you a question you dont know the answer to, dont make something up, and instead say, I actually am not sure of that answer, but I will look it up and get back to you. Dont rush through your whole spiel and forget to check if your patient is following along. ,?8^ NNm=#etfc8ryv Group Discussion with Pharmacy Leadership Team. Residency Program Resources Residency accreditation is an important driver for excellence, serving as a bridge between education and practice. Doing drug information questions. What was it and what did you do to correct it? What are your strongest and weakest subjects? What are some issues you perceive in doing a residency here? Describe a situation where you weren't satisfied with your job. What is one interesting issue facing pharmacy today? Oath of a pharmacist: o Looking for more residency training, but an experience which will allow me to self-direct If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? - have a strong network of support already built Are there opportunities to have non-pharmacist preceptors? Who do you admire the most of all your preceptors? Tell me about a time you had to choose something else over doing a good job. Why should we choose you over your peers? Was there ever a time where you were late on an assignment? hXmo6+Q$",6fk 5~w'd'uHw8.gK&,Kj\a"BX3%, What was it and what did you do to correct it? If you do not get a residency this year, would you consider trying to re-apply next year? Well, I believe there is a sixth vital sign: financial toxicity. Brown says she would be more likely to ask candidates to tell her about a situation with staff or customers where something unexpected took place and explain how they handled it. We always ask this question twice to push the candidate: The medic insists now what do you do?, However, this type of hypothetical question may be challenging to score, particularly if an employer is trying to compare a large number of candidates, so it may be avoided in interviews given by community pharmacy multiples or other large pharmacy employers. % If you could opt out of the staffing component of this residency, would you? PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Interviews 2023: Thursday, January 26, 2023 Here is a screenshot of a thank you email I sent last year. A common pitfall is to say that the doctor knows the patients and is more experienced so I would not challenge him, he says. Does anyone have any insight on what kinds of questions might come up and how I should prepare? A model answer for me would include a description of the event and how it impacted on the team, she notes. What would you do if you were faced with a medication error where the patient is given the wrong medication? What motivated you to become a pharmacist? I kind of struggled with my Do and Dont for this one, since I only had to give one presentation last year (yet it was actually the most stressful thing ever because of a technology issue- watch my P4 Residency Apps highlight on my Instagram if you want to hear the whole saga!). Can you please tell us a little about yourself? If there are definite training opportunities, for example, a postgraduate diploma or independent prescribing qualification, that are part of in-house development then explain how achieving this will provide additional experience for future moves. What did you do? However, my PGY2 interview this year was a mix of both in-person and via Zoom, so I do have a bit of experience! Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? The below list was super helpful to me last year, and I actually made physical flashcards with many of these questions which I thought was the best way to prepare (checkout my other post on residency interviews for more details on how I prepared). Bhella agrees: This will show how well the candidate can think on their feet. Completing a pharmacy residency is a required stepping stone for being able to practice as a pharmacist. 3. While apixaban is approved for the treatment of acute VTE, limited data support its use in cancer patients. It opens up expectations.. Passing the first test: how to impress on the residency interview. Honesty with my performance What do you do for fun? Innovation, forethought, and emotional intelligence. If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What could have made it better? What changes do you anticipate for the residency program from this year to the next year? jjamesb2001. How would you describe your teaching philosophy? 920 0 obj <>stream If you were stuck on on a deserted island, what 3 drugs would you bring? Congratulations to everyone out there who will be interviewing for a pharmacy residency position in the next few weeks! H explain the meaning of the quotation as it relates to the novel *Cancer doesn't discriminate*, its patients are vulnerable, and I want to help N|(4OGgaXo"Dl ?!G2C Questions to Ask During an Interview. A spokesperson from community pharmacy chain Boots says that, in this type of competency-based question, the candidate should think carefully to choose an example that gives them the opportunity to display the behaviours the interviewer is looking for. Have your fellow pharmacy students give you cases that you haven't prepared for, with time limits, and then let them evaluate how you responded. Pharmacy Clinical Specialist- Pediatrics or NICU/PICU If you could change one thing about the profession of pharmacy, what would it be? How did you handle the situation? How did you manage your time to meet your deadlines? A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. -- Allows me to see and exploit my strengths as a leader and team member They may be conducted via telephone or through the use of videoconferencing software, such as Skype. They may also ask your opinions on the field as a whole to determine your professional goals. If you have a definite idea as to how you want to specialise then it is okay to mention it, but dont limit your options, he says. Describe a time you have changed something about yourself based on feedback. Youve worked so hard these past few months (and lets be honest the entire last few years) to finally show residency programs who you are and what you can bring to the table- so its time to celebrate that! If your interviewer springs a case on you, it may involve giving a case that you only have 30 minutes to complete a write-up about. We all have to bend the rules at one time or another. Transparency and good communication are essential to leadership PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Listen Here. Give me an example of when you had to bend the rules and how you handled the situation. CONCLUSIONSOral apixaban was associated with low major bleeding and VTE recurrence rates for the treatment of VTE in cancer patients. I have to be honest- I dont know if Im truly team thank you email or no thank you email post residency-interview. Stage 3: Conducting the Interview. What is your teaching style? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Describe a time when you received feedback from a preceptor that you did not agree with. Do you feel like you have adequate support from residency program leadership? What was your favorite clinical rotation and why? - Pharmacists What do you hope your colleagues will say to you? Why? Describe a barrier that faces the advancement of our profession, Describe a time when you had to help a patient that was less than satisfied with your service/care, Describe the most useful piece of criticism you have received, Describe a situation where you had to justify a clinical recommendation. Even if youre interviewing with a program that you may consider to be your back-up, really stay engaged and excited with whomever you are interacting with, as some programs will definitely surprise you! - Old school mentality . Remember- all of this only comes from my experience and what I think worked well for ME last year. If you are both asked the same questions back to back, take turns being the person to answer first (and feel free to ask your group member if theyre okay with that plan). Things will definitely be even more different this year, as they are all (most likely) going to be virtual, so I'm sure many programs are even switching it up from their usual i had one interview where i think i gave my elevator speech 6 times in a row when I met with different interviewers. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What have you learned from the COVID-19 pandemic? DO write down your thoughts and talk to the same person immediately after all of your interviews. Can you briefly describe opportunities for teaching? If you do not match to a residency program during phase I of the match, would you plan to enter into phase II of the match? Describe an innovative practice model or unique precepting style that you have witnessed. These are just my thoughts and things I wish I knew before going through interviews last year! Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? PGY1, PGY2, and beyond accepted! However, for me, it is more the overall experience the job can provide and additional terms and conditions that can make or break a persons decision to come to work for you, she says, adding: Money is not the be all and end all of that particular conversation for me. If you are assigned a group project and your partners are not contributing to the level you expected, what would you do? First thing I did as a pharmacist. What question did you prepare to answer, but were not asked today? Teaching. So unfortunately I dont have a ton of practice with this, since my interviews last year were all in person. What is one thing you learned in the last year that has impacted how you live your life? Here are just a few ideas of questions you can ask. Candidates need to come to the interview and have a clear idea of what salary they believe the job is worth. What was your least favorite rotation and why? What makes you the best candidate for our residency program? You want to show your interviewers that you did your research. Can you tell us about a time when you were working in a group and had to take up a leadership role? @ - Self aware (limits, feedback, reflection) What did you do? DONT say I dont have any questions! This is the place you may be working at for the whole next year- take advantage of the time to ask questions! Do you consider yourself good at managing stress? Think about how you typically do it in real life- you can review the general aspects of the medicine with the fake patient (indication, how to take it AKA just read the instructions, what to do if you miss a dose, expected therapeutic effect, any common side effects). Which ones do you currently possess and how do you intend to develop the others? Doing some sort of teamwork/group game with the candidates. What would you do if one of you witnessed one of your co-residents treating a patient unfairly due to the patient's religion, sexual orientation, or race? Interview at the program you want the most later in your interview schedule (mid/late February; try to avoid March for scheduling interviews). Overall I would think of copd/asthma, diabetes, hypertension, smoking cessation as the top things to be familiar with. A place to share about interviews during the first part of the year, discuss projects, or anything else pharmacy residency. Can you describe the components of your continuous professional development plan? Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond at work? Tell me about a time you went above and beyond. What is your typical balance between supervision and autonomy when residents come on your rotation? Do you consider yourself good at managing stress-why or why not? (yes- i got this one and it absolutely stumped me). But, what you should MAINLY prepare for is getting a lot of sleep the night before, and coming into the interview with energy and a clear mind! super common one for me also. If you were a drug, which drug would you be and why? Grand Rounds. Can you describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision? Being a clinical pharmacist is an incredibly stressful and demanding career. 0 How would you describe the relationship between the pharmacy service and other services such as nursing and medicine? In my PGY1 interviews 7 programs did cases, I would say in general know vanco, warfarin, and AFIB/ HF those were topics that I was asked about for general opinions and thought process, definitely agree on the PNA. Did you complete the project on time? At your retirement party, what would you want your colleagues to remember about you? What experience do you have with medication use evaluations? Didactic/Training OBJECTIVESThe primary outcome was major bleeding. Dont leave the response hanging on a bad or negative experience always turn it into a positive one.. Prepare a list of questions in advance that you can ask current residents. Its hard to prepare for clinical questions because you could be asked literally anything. 4 0 obj How will you contribute to our organization? Being interviewed for a new job can be intimidating at any stage of a pharmacists career. What was your second most favorite rotation? How do you deal with people who dont get along with you? 92 terms. If I can see a way to help them progress and give them the opportunity to flourish, they are much more likely to want to be with my company in five years., A common pitfall is focusing an answer based on what the candidate thinks the organisation is looking for. There can be so many different components to a pharmacy residency interview, as every program has their own unique format, requirements, types of interviewers, etc. To me, its not about getting everything right (although deff dont want to get everything wrong lol) but more about your critical thinking skills. Describe an accomplishment you are most proud of? @sf8KrWtls}kZiM]UOCt[~-o gew{(:H]_7OiO2-V%]^b"]^.~ _&]Ik6Jhk=X4 wc uem )PwOjL E#*nwUUV@UYqtcxWQbQ6$Ks= 4Zz&wb:?yzYzHaf} nWN1!+2]cmmvYSz-)%l~I`*D#fn#*kyUOw4$ Describe your biggest failure. DO focus on having a friendly/helpful/patient demeanor. What was your most favorite class in pharmacy school? Even if you take your time, you will likely have several minutes left at the end for you to ask your interviewers questions. You will likely be asked specific residency questions, such as why you like that particular residency program and what you see yourself doing in pharmacy in 10 years. What qualities do you expect from your preceptors? %%EOF What areas of pharmacy most interest you? How did you communicate your concerns?, She explains that she would be disappointed if candidates said they would dispense a product despite being concerned about the patients safety. ?X={[N6n_D;6 3OS !{d Some of the questions may definitely sound similar or are asking the exact same thing in a different way. Study: If you are interviewing for a clinical position, brush up on topics pertaining to the specialty of the position. Fast forward to your retirement party. What did you do? Clinical questions are going to most likely be related to the residency program core rotations and your CV/LOI . And interviews are by far the most important part of learning if a particular residency program is a good fit for you. Be ready to ask questions, such as whether off-site rotations are allowed if you are interested in doing work in another country. But, seriously try to not stress too much about this! Press J to jump to the feed. What do you do when someone you work with disagrees with you? What would you do if you thought one of your co-workers was being harassed by another staff member? As I said before, keep an open mind! Secondary outcomes included VTE recurrence and a composite of major plus clinically relevant non-major bleeding (CRNMB). Can love and cruelty exist at the same time? education and PGY1 pharmacy . Behavioral Interviewing Techniques - The Star Approach. If you could meet a famous person (alive or dead), who would you pick? What is one characteristic you would change about yourself? How did you work to improve the situation? Since applicants this year will likely be presenting from their own computers, hopefully technology will not be an issue for anyone this year. Pharmacy PGY1 Residency Interview Questions. What do you expect to get out of doing this pharmacy residency? Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial Stewardship, Best Infectious Diseases Articles From 2022 A Year End Review Of Non-COVID Literature, Antibiotics For Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections In The Era Of Amoxicillin Shortages. In what ways did you put out extra effort to get the job done? Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? This is a standard competency-based interview question where the interviewee is expected to give a real life example from personal experience that shows how they dealt with a particular problem or setback, explains Lauder. How are resident projects designed to meet the departments goals? We've all been there, whether it's a pharmacy residency interview, first post-graduate job interview, or the first interview after working at the same company for many years. If you dont know an answer its okay, but prepare for how you will handle that. Teaching, clinical practice, or research? This question should be anticipated for junior or newly qualified [pharmacist] posts, says Dennis Lauder, chief pharmacist at NHS Frimley Health Foundation Trust. Tell us about a time where you experienced negative team dynamics, and what you did to try and overcome this. What will make you a good resident? Haven't experienced this in my current role, but do have experience with these conversations (Walgreens --> both Plaza and Hopkins). Teaching, clinical practice, or research? If youre newly qualified, dont go too far outside the rate for starting salaries, Be aware of the market, Lauder advises. What strategies do you use to stay organized? My English teacher said that ethics might be very interesting for me to study in college. Last one!! What do you perceive to be the role of the pharmacist?
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