I think the developers haven't made their mind up where they want to take them in the meta and they didn't want to make them too strong with their release, so they lack in overall damage and that's the reason I don't rank them higher. DO I NEED TO WAIT UNTIL MY HERO IS CLOSE TO THE ENEMY TO USE THEIR SPECIAL ABILITY? The troops in the battle formation fight the enemies all time and you earn gold coins gems on an hourly basis. Hell Jailers are able to fly everywhere on the map, but that doesn't mean anything if they are not able to do anything. Beast Master can be a debatable troop, but I can't rank it higher. One word of caution before we go to the list. Wukong does not boost your army, he boosts himself. Comment below! Chapter 10 Level 3000 Important! The reason for doing so? Genichiro doesn't have much of an impact on his own, but his area damage and attack speed reduction on enemies can make a good appearance in the right setup. On Android, the Art of War Legions game is published by 10TP Studio. Soul Hunter has a good amount of health and, although their attack is not that high, they have life steal ability and heal up again what makes him stay alive for quite some time. This Art of War: Legions guide will not be complete if we do not discuss the other play mode available in Art of War: Legions, the Expedition. For one it's always better to have 2 lvl1 units on the field than to have 1 lvl2. Chapter 8 Level 2200 Thank me later ? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you have too many heroes unlocked, then make sure to read their skill details and select the one that suits your team. As such, we only recommend hybridizing defense in your two-front threat formation if you have already recruited the troops for it.2.3 Shield and SiegeIf the RNG gods does not bestow you with ambushers yet (yes, we are optimistic you will obtain some), using a traditional formation is also fine. Shield : Damage nullified (because each troops has a defense that deducts a part of the damage dealth to him by enemies, Please help expedition chapter 1 level 5 will not allow me to play even though I have completed level 4. The game cheats you until you pay money then youll win again..you game ! He can be used for Hero Trial and some formations in the Arena use him good as well. Level them up as much as you please and then you will leave them behind at some point. You can always use Tier S troops if you dont care about these factors. Instructions. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Arena wins lets you advance through the leaderboard and obtain bonuses for clearing a certain number of opponents. If you have just started playing this game, then you are on the right page. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For farming, even better than Hohenheim is Jinn once you get him. Troop Stats Guide or Spreadsheet : r/ArtOfWarLegions - reddit Similar guides for games you might play as well: Your email address will not be published. Also now that Seondeok is more commonly used, he is not as viable anymore. Dracula is amazing in trials and Infinity War and works well against Cerberus with his attack buff and his lifesteal is also useful. Chapter 3 Level 400 Nothing too fancy, just the old concept of distancing the ranged units from the frontline shock because they usually have less health, but they deal more damage. If you get the identical hero that you already have, then the game will convert it into shards that you can use to upgrade the hero. Given that, adapting an approach that would favor them is a chief ingredient to victory. If your goal for deploying a hero at the flank is preservation, it would help to designate tanky troops throughout the exterior column because doing so would increase a number of units that can peel off attackers. We would recommend you joining the FB group of the game if you have more questions. These are the mainstay variables that will help you forecast if your troops has a chance to rout the opposition. Chapter 1 Level 70 A straight 10-stage clearance would net you more than enough coins to afford a draw 30 about twice. I have the 20 stars and still doesnt allow me to open chapter 2 ?? Ryan Nope. It depends on battle level. Frustrating. Sword with clock: attack speed attribute This troop works best if it has time to use it's Primal Fear skill, so will need to be kept alive for a little while. Most troops have an ideal placement to increase their effectiveness or survivability. Art of War: Legions Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Become a Strong What is level? This is a clear confirmation that the dynamic they bring to the battlefield is a straight up gamechanger. Supercell is not responsible for the operation or content of this site/application. Can be useful in Hero Trial, nonetheless. The Angel can be tanky with the health and with the ability that will give evasion to all the allied troops around every few seconds. 270K coinrt. The key idea is that your troop count should ALWAYS be twice of whatever number is displayed on a structure you are trying to conquer. In contrast to battle modes, you need a good sense of timing and focus to win in expeditions. There are two kinds of troops in the game: single unit (Qty 1) and multiple units (Qty 3-9). The downside is that you need to protect them well behind melee units or they will disappear quite fast from the battleground. They have good attack and health but the best part is their ability that reduce enemy attack and movement speed, even for heroes. I just don't want to encourage players to invest in a hero that I'm not absolutely sure about. Diana can go behind an enemy and damage plus drop their armor for a little bit. Our tip is to observe the duration trend, if you think that watching a 30-second ad will burn much of your time or momentum, you may opt to skip. Undead Soldier are rare and up here?! With this in mind, think one step ahead on how can the chaos mold into your favor. Drag troops into position in the formation or barracks builder areas. Since having more auto-battles is a VIP perk, there is no doubt this feature gives players an edge. They can make the difference between going army vs army and see who deals damage more quickly and who has the bigger health pool and add some useful strategic element to your formations. I am a free to play player. If you have two bases that has a direct access to a target structure, that is even better because troop accumulation time will be shorter. Their impact on the battlefield is so immense that newer players would not have an idea that they were once the laughingstock of Epic class troops.Soul Hunter. Watching ads, wherever one is offered is purely optional. Quite disappointing so far and nothing outstandind. Cassandra boosts the probability to get troops you want in Temple of Fusion so that can be important as no other hero in Art of War Legions can do this. Whatever stage of the game you are in, or whether you are paid to win or free to play, the tier list will undoubtedly be of great assistance to you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Raise you level for more expeditions. Do assign durable troops near your hero to help with survivability. Chapter 6 Level 1400 The first thing is to choose a great hero(read the heroes guide above for more details on which hero is the best). Edward has some nice debuffs on the enemy and buffs selected troops in your army. Aly is just scary to mess with and her massive fire bomb just causes so much damage and nuke a full army. Hohenheim is really easy to level up and also good against all Hero Trial boss and farm you Coins. The troop tier list in Art of War Legions grades all units depending on how strong and excellent they are. Goblikazes are, like their name already tells, a kamikaze troop that will approach the enemy and blows themselves up. If he is your best and only hero as of yet, let him stay at the back. At level 3, due to their life steal, they are essentially much durable than level 2 heroes. The first order of duty is to quickly upgrade your starting bases to the next level. Chapter 15 Level 5000 There are so many troops in Art of War Legions that you might be confused which one to build, which one to take and which ones synergizes well with your troop formation, right? In this guide, our aim is to give tips, tricks, and strategies in gathering resources efficiently and in making the most out of the random troops you obtain in card draws or recruitment. YouTube from www.youtube.com. Go to the shop and there you will find a free treasure offer it gives around 1500 gold coins by watching a video ad. The top-rank troops such as Demon Paladin, Meteor Golem, etc. You may notice that as you crank up the difficulty of level battles from normal then hard and then extreme, the number of backline attackers increase. This is your main progression path, advancing through levels here will let you unlock troops at certain points. Keep an eye out for what other players are using. Art of War: Legions Troop Tier List - Games Tier List Easy right? There is no time limit, the enemy troops will be visible to you before you hit the battle button. There are three major lines in the battle formation, including the front line, the middle row, and the back row. Which is more important ? As you advance through levels and increase your power rating, you can brew an early game army that will somewhat resemble what is shown below. Spreadsheet Update : ArtOfWarLegions - reddit Hands down, one of the best heroes in Art of War Legions right now, on offense as well as defense. Ad watching ops are always offered after each battle against AIs and, in limited occasions, also to speed up the waiting time for opening troop and hero chests. These ranged troops are another unit that should be placed in the middle of your formation, they deal good ranged damage, but need some protection from surrounding troops to stay alive. If you are still within the beginners range (below level 100), you can play with your rally point marker. Archers aren't a crazy unit overall and as a common troop a decent choice actually, especially in early game but also carries quite well towards mid-game in Art of War Legions. You will not be penalized for fleeing and remember that the smart outlives the strong. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As always, some factors were beyond our control, but they had only a minor impact on overall tier ratings. My hero box says 17 but I am buying them up faster then I can claim them. * Exciting Battles The battle is more like a real dance of war. Like RPG characters, heroes also have roles, some have skills with insane damage, others offer tactical advantages for the troops (stat boosts), and a few have sustain potentials (healing). How do you get it? n gyjtttem 1M 80K pnzt, s rohadt sokat kaptam abbl. Doing so will draw multiple ghost arrows signaling that those structures of yours (be it a barracks, castle, or outpost) are sending troops to the target structure.The keys to victory in Expedition is to be patient in upgrading your bases, send troops to the battle front (or bases the enemy can directly access/attack) and then amass a troop count that would be enough to conquer a target building. Spreadsheet Update. The only reason where this is not bad for you is when you end up in a death match with another hero. Also, it's really hard to obtain and max out, so keep that in mind as well. So make sure to read all the troops details. Before you go full-Hohenheim in level battles, though, make sure that your troops can comfortably conquer the Extreme difficulty (as this setting gives the most coins) even without the help of a damage-inclined or healing hero.Take Advantage of the Auto-battles and MultipliersThis may be contrary to what we strongly advise about ad viewing opportunities, but the auto battle feature is undeniably a handy tool for farming too when you need to multitask. Her healing and team buffs make her really versatile and fit basically everywhere. One is they have a lot of them so the level makes sense to use at that stage and they wait for the troops to unlock that are better. A unit, similar in many respects to the Templar Knight but better, use him to run into the enemy front lines and attract their attackers, We have questions and answers related to this topic which may also help you: Show all, Art of War: Legions Redeem Codes (March 2023). On the other hand, Troop Card purchases may be more expensive, but they work toward achieving Lucky Time. If your backline guards are formidable, they can peel off troops attacking your hero allowing it to cruise into mid-battle still with ample health. Art of War: Legions Troops tier list August 2020 You are practically able to max the level of your starting bases if you will waste no time in upgrading them. The max level that they can reach is Level 10. Audit all the Art of War Legions heroes that you have obtained so far read their skills and figure out the best ones. It costs you thousands of gold coins or hundreds of gems. Class: RareIdeal placement: Frontline or backline (to protect your rear)Strong points: durability, AoE attack, and can prolong the battleOgre Warriors are big, bulky beings that are easy to notice in the battlefield. Our priority in the position shown above is to put a solid frontline with plenty of supportive backline firepower. In expedition mode, you are set on a map with a base or two to start with. Nasty to deal with and helpful in many formations. This way, your Infantry will charge into battle and soak up all the damage, while your Archers pick away at foes from a safe distance. Art of War is a funny game with a huge amount of spectacular battles, in which you can learn strategy and tactics. Or bc you need to do something else to unlock them? Art of War: Legions is a fast-paced fantasy strategy card game. Heart with lightning: healing? Art Of War: Legions Troop Guide These are strong high DPS troops that can work well in both the front and back of a formation. Privacy Policy. Chapter 14 Level 4600 That is the counter for your reinforcement troops. She simply has a lot of buffing and rebuffing going on and is not easy to deal with and you will be able to use her well in pretty much all game modes and on offense and defense. Know that its totally okay to not get things right at your first try. Art of War: Legions has three types of troops including army tanks (high HP), buildings (catapults and ballista shooters), and military-type DPS (attack). If you didnt know, there are Art of War Legions redeem codes, so look them up if you want to get free items. You can use them in pretty much every army, deal good damage and revive once die. If you have a lot of troop slots to fill, we recommend that you farm up 240k gold and go for the draw 30 option in the recruit camp. Place them in the front rows to get them into the action faster as they can then tank for your magic apprentices. On the main screen, it says Battle. It doesnt seem to matter if I win or lose on the normal combat levels. These are a very useful and verstile troop that do well both in the front or back rows or a formation, their aim is to just run at the enemy and blow themselves up and the enemy unit they run into. This is not a great or popular unit to have, but if you do have them, then probably they are best suited wherever you have a spare square, there is no sinlge best strategy for these guys that I can think of. These melee fighters are incredibly fast and work best when positioned in the front rows engaging the enemy first and taking the hero skill attacks instead of other troops. ALT+Click on a troop or hero to decrease its level. Im new, I like the game. Save the file in your device's download folder. Yasha has good health, deals good damage and has the ability to stun. Just don't use them or invest in them. The Shadow Ninja are a new troop and I did rank them here because, although the ability to cloak and go behind enemy lines is good, rangers in the enemy formation will pick up on them very efficently. We recommend to never miss any post-battle ad watching opportunities especially on levels marked with a coin because the resulting total bounty is simply hard to pass up.Headhunt is Gold Hunt. Approaches to battles vary depending on which point of the game youre at and the type of battle you are participating in. All you need to do is drag the same unit to another same unit. Class: EpicIdeal placement: middle of formationStrong points: may prolong the battle, provides warm bodies to keep enemies distractedCarrying the infamous reputation of Necromancers from the archaic masterpiece of a game, Diablo II, Necromancers bring trouble to enemies with their summoned units. Can help keep bosses busy so they come in very handy and belong in this tier. For the love of god plz implement pvp for guild and for friends (friend list ) il turn it into the best game replacing clash of clans. Like what is true in games of many genres, the tanks go front and the damagers take the back. I feel like such a noob building my own spreadsheet :) This one is just rankings from Phasecast, Kautionz, TacticzHazel. It gives you free gold coins and gems every hour the amount of reward from this Idle chest depends on the PvE Levels progress. *Exciting BattlesThe battle is more like a real dance of war. Also, you discover new troops, get more slots to deploy on the battlefield, and increase the idle reward. Tough spot, I know, but I'll have them here right now. When you first start playing art of war: Source: www.tierlists.com. It helps that players can progress quickly and smoothly; one just needs to be patient in farming resources and be wise in building an army. But the basic idea at the beginning of the game, i.e. 160 (sszestve), s tbbet akarsz, akkor gyjtsl The Art of War Legions troop tier list is a great tool to follow and use, but you should also test troops to see what works best for your play style and performance. Viking Warrior are pretty cool when they get enraged and that's when they are viable - but the problem is they only get there after they lost a certain amount of health and that is not great synergy with any healer troops in Art of Legions, that also goes pretty much against everything you want to do. Supported with maximum smartphones having no lag issues at all. What are the battlefield effects and how do you use them. Leave the game on auto-battle.Got to prepare a quick snack? This also boosts the overall performance of your formation. Heroes have a ton of HP after all and everyones OG, Kelvins, is a tanky fighter. They are tanky and can take a squad or two of units with lower levels. Deals massive damage when that happens and you will even late-game players use them occasionally, but they are kind-of easy to counter with ranged troops and once they're gone, they're gone. I have completed expedition chapter 1, but is not allowing me to acces chapter 2 yet. It's great if you can keep him alive for a long time, especially if the battle is close, is spawning skeletons can sometimes be the difference between a win or a loss. We fret a bit, but took hope with the sign if were fighting a strong army, how come he only has 1053 trophies? Do you have more tips, troop, or formation strategies to share? When I click it just keeps saying territory. If you spend 50K gems, you'll get a pair of Odin shards. Je reste bloqu Scholar have no special abilities and although you see players using them in earlier stages of the game, they are simply not worth it. I feel mixed about them as they can unlock some synergies and are useful in some formations and their overall stats are fine, but having no real focus makes them not really bang a buck in any way. Every Troop Ranked in Art of War Legions! Im level 2320 and STILL waiting for chapter 6 expeditions what else do I need to do to open this?? Tweaking your deployment choices depending on which battle mode you are taking on will take a bit of time, but you can never go wrong with having a solid formation, dependable troops, and a good overall sense of the game.Now, lets get to bottom of it with the most important aspect of being a successful commander in Art of War: Legions, gaining wealth. Also the damage is not neglectable. The format of Hero Trial is exactly like what you get in the normal battle, except that all of your Heroes are pre-deployed. Lets first focus on the battle modes which currently have five general types:1. With the high coin reward output, we are obliging you to ALWAYS use the x3 multiplier for viewing ads. I asked some of the best players in Art of War: Legions to rank every troop on a tier list and they did. I have done my best Google-fu to find something but I can't find anything that is just a simple layout that makes it easy to compare troops stats. If you arent keen to watch ads and you want the speediest level progression, the auto-battle feature is your friend. This gives you the chance to quickly erase whatever units the enemy hopes to protect further behind their lines. Honor Hunting a battle mode that lets you challenge a boss monster. Cactuses On Android, the Art of War Legions game is published by 10TP Studio. Check the power rating and more importantly, the trophy count. The hero highway formation we shared earlier can work for most heroes because it facilitates charge-types advancement and can box-in for protection. I cannot for the life of me figure out what the little clock/person in the lower left is on the battle level screens. Note that you wont be able to purchase troop cards after every level (due to the sheer price) and the tips were sharing below will help make it possible for you to recruit soldiers as frequently as possible. Iron Guards are, like the other common troops here, none you want to give too much attention to. Shield With Arrow/Sword: Melee Attack Type About this game. This section is meant to give you useful guidelines to help you become a successful commander in Art of War: Legions.Arena and Hero HuntIn the Arena, a power rating differential dont really spell much of a difference. He mentioned it at the bottom of the article. Art of War Legions is a strategy game for Android and iOS where you play as a commander and lead legions of tiny armies. This is great crowd control ability and stops troops from attacking and binds them. . Iron Guards are another basic unit, much like the infantry, just stronger, they can be used as a tank in the front lines early in the game and will do a lot of damage and take a lot too. Best Troops in Art of War: Legions (Tier List) 2023 Update, The Best Troops for Infinity War in Art of War: Legions, frequently updated list of active codes here, Best Special Ants in Ants: Underground Kingdom. One at a time. Join us as we aspire to dominate and conquer. Note that healing-capable troops are quite tricky to acquire as they belong to Epic class. Drake buffs your army a lot and has some niche uses in some Arena formations, but that's all and that's why I can't rank him higher at the moment.
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